Biden Lied About Wife's Death For Political Gain

Donald Trump doesn't want objectivity from news media outlets which cover his administration. He wants news organizations to be biased. He just wants the bias to be completely in his favor. It would be fair to say that around two-thirds or 66% of the news reporting and opinions expressed on the Fox News channel are favorable towards Donald Trump and his administration. However, that is not what he wants. Because that number is not 100%, he gets angry, and he is now calling them "fake news". It's not fairness that Trump wants... he wants full on propaganda in support of him.
No, he wanted the media to treat him like it did Obama and Clinton
You are really stretching when you say this is the worst thing ever ever done by a politician. If she is the one at fault, then it would be hard for anyone to want to accept that your beloved wife was responsible for the death of your daughter and injury of other children. Not that it's right or good, but much easier to blame someone else, so you could still go on. Unfortunately he is always scrutinized by the public. If the Truck Driver was innocent then it just sucks all the way around for all. But worse thing ever? Genocide, rape, duels, leaving someone drowned in the river, corruption, cruelty, etc. etc. etc.

This rationalization is an amazing feat.
This rationalization is an amazing feat.
I agree, that was some mental gymnastics this morning, but nothing as bad as what I read here on a daily basis to explain Trump. The man did lose his wife and young baby. I don't think anyone would argue that would be devastating and worse because she was to blame for it. I have read that he's backed down from that story and called the daughter to apologize in 2009.
No she heard and saw it correctly. Whatever the MSM said she got it all.

The MSM are actually useful. Watch with a remote in your hand and see what trending stories they won't cover - those are the important ones - they don't cover them because they don't fit the agenda. It actually goes pretty fast once you learn to filter out covid-19, shark bites, storms of the century, and other natural calamities. Except for feel good stories about parents coming home and surprising kids, you'd never know we have troops deployed anywhere. I haven't even seen anything lately about mistreatment of misunderstood sand box players locked up in Cuba, and all those "poor" kids in cages down along the border must have evaporated - apparently they were just useful idiots to feed the liberal flames until real liberal flames came along.
The MSM are actually useful. Watch with a remote in your hand and see what trending stories they won't cover - those are the important ones - they don't cover them because they don't fit the agenda. It actually goes pretty fast once you learn to filter out covid-19, shark bites, storms of the century, and other natural calamities. Except for feel good stories about parents coming home and surprising kids, you'd never know we have troops deployed anywhere. I haven't even seen anything lately about mistreatment of misunderstood sand box players locked up in Cuba, and all those "poor" kids in cages down along the border must have evaporated - apparently they were just useful idiots to feed the liberal flames until real liberal flames came along.
Did you know that West Nile virus is on vacation in 2020?

Remember how every previous year for the past decade or more they’ve tried to keep people inside the house scared to death of mosquitoes?
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I have no problem with what she reported nor want to see any action against her but unless somebody goes on the damn record I’m not going to call it proven.

No “journalist” gets that consideration anymore.

Anybody else think the founding fathers screwed up on freedom of the press without requiring accountability? Too bad they couldn't see into the future, and perhaps they put too much faith in the morality of their times and that the press would actually look out for the good of the country.
Did you know that West Nile virus is on vacation in 2020?

Remember how every previous year for the past decade or more they’ve tried to keep people inside the house scared to death of mosquitoes?

Apparently those mosquitoes are now afraid to bite anyone - the victim might have something worse than what they carry - or they might chomp down on someone with a certain antimalarial drug in the system and die of irregular heartbeat or other anomaly. It's like a tsunami will have to wipe NYC off the map to get Antifa off the MSM. And to think how badly Boeing mistimed the 737 Max debut. Ebola is apparently eradicated, EU secession is deader than last week's dinner, China will have to actually invade India to even get a passing glance, and Japan may be blown away without notice. If you are taking a carcinogen laden Chinese manufactured drug, good luck on finding out before it kills you. Even global whoring climate change has gone MIA. Amazing how the we were for it before we were against it (now that Trump came out in favor) blood plasma treatment for covid-19 has gone away, too.
Apparently those mosquitoes are now afraid to bite anyone - the victim might have something worse than what they carry - or they might chomp down on someone with a certain antimalarial drug in the system and die of irregular heartbeat or other anomaly. It's like a tsunami will have to wipe NYC off the map to get Antifa off the MSM. And to think how badly Boeing mistimed the 737 Max debut. Ebola is apparently eradicated, EU secession is deader than last week's dinner, China will have to actually invade India to even get a passing glance, and Japan may be blown away without notice. If you are taking a carcinogen laden Chinese manufactured drug, good luck on finding out before it kills you. Even global whoring climate change has gone MIA. Amazing how the we were for it before we were against it (now that Trump came out in favor) blood plasma treatment for covid-19 has gone away, too.
It’s so bad it’s hard to believe I fell for it for so long.

Ever go back and watch any of the 9/11 footage? There’s a lot there to ponder. Especially the BBC reporter flubbing her lines and saying WTC Building 7 collapsed about 30 minutes before it fell.

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For one family, though, the famed Biden reputation for empathy comes up short.

Curtis Dunn was the driver whose truck struck Neilia’s car. By all accounts, Dunn was absolved of wrongdoing in the accident, with no evidence that speeding or alcohol was a factor. Dunn, who died in 1999, never forgot that awful day, wondering aloud in future years “how the little Biden boys are doing,” recalls his daughter, 54-year-old Pamela Hamill of Newark, Delaware.

But decades later, Biden on at least two occasions, in 2001 and 2007, offered an inaccurate version of Dunn’s role in the accident, referring publicly to a truck driver who “stopped to drink” before driving and describing the driver as “a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch.”

Hamill, dismayed by the misrepresentations, crusaded to correct the record, and got some media attention for her efforts.

Biden later called her – at first agitated about the impact the controversy was having on his own mother, who he said “had to go on anxiety medication,” in Hamill’s recounting. Further, Biden told her it was his own son, Beau, who had had to retrieve the accident report.

“Then he was very apologetic,” Hamill continued. “By this time I was in tears. He said, ‘I’m sorry, don’t cry. I will come to your home with all your family there and apologize.’” But Biden told her he would not issue a public apology, telling Hamill that it would “end up in all the trashy magazines in the grocery store.”

Hamill never took him up on the offer to meet with her family, worried about how her mother would handle it. She never heard from him again.

For one family, though, the famed Biden reputation for empathy comes up short.

Curtis Dunn was the driver whose truck struck Neilia’s car. By all accounts, Dunn was absolved of wrongdoing in the accident, with no evidence that speeding or alcohol was a factor. Dunn, who died in 1999, never forgot that awful day, wondering aloud in future years “how the little Biden boys are doing,” recalls his daughter, 54-year-old Pamela Hamill of Newark, Delaware.

But decades later, Biden on at least two occasions, in 2001 and 2007, offered an inaccurate version of Dunn’s role in the accident, referring publicly to a truck driver who “stopped to drink” before driving and describing the driver as “a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch.”

Hamill, dismayed by the misrepresentations, crusaded to correct the record, and got some media attention for her efforts.

Biden later called her – at first agitated about the impact the controversy was having on his own mother, who he said “had to go on anxiety medication,” in Hamill’s recounting. Further, Biden told her it was his own son, Beau, who had had to retrieve the accident report.

“Then he was very apologetic,” Hamill continued. “By this time I was in tears. He said, ‘I’m sorry, don’t cry. I will come to your home with all your family there and apologize.’” But Biden told her he would not issue a public apology, telling Hamill that it would “end up in all the trashy magazines in the grocery store.”

Hamill never took him up on the offer to meet with her family, worried about how her mother would handle it. She never heard from him again.


Sounds like Biden could be from a poorer branch of the Kennedy clan. He and at least one of the boys have worked hard to close the wealth gap, though.
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