Biden Lied About Wife's Death For Political Gain

well according to all the police reports and court documents it is 100% true that lyin' biden's wife was at fault for the tragic accident that took her daughter's life.

it is also 100% true that lyin' biden lied about the truck driver "drinking his lunch instead of eating it" before the accident.
Forget the political aspect of it then. You’d think that out of respect for his daughter he wouldn’t lie about what happened. I don’t know the facts of what happened or for sure what would cause Biden to lie about it but I agree it doesn’t look good on the surface.
So, Trump is acting like this because his dad was mean to him? (Per Mary Trump) I guess noted bad behavior apparently has happened since the Bone spurs, but I started noticing during the Marla Maples stuff. He gets away with things because he has lawyers and money. Average people would be in prison.. That said, I still gave him the benefit of the doubt when the Pandemic started. Unfortunately, he thought more of himself getting elected and the stock market then people's lives. I blame him for thousands of deaths. It didn't have to be this way (see the other countries in the world)
Why not blame Andrew Cuomo?

He actually killed thousands in nursing homes by forcing COVID-19 positive patients into their care.

What action or lack of action by Trump can you say without a doubt resulted in thousands of deaths?
I honestly feel that Trump is the worst President ever-- I think it's pretty obvious he's up to his ass with Putin, grossly mishandled the Coronavirus, causes division and hate, is corrupt and has been impeached.

I will give Joe the benefit of the doubt. :p
So, in other words, you are literally buying every single piece of BS “reporting” by CNN, MSNBC, and the lot. After all you’ve seen where they’ve been caught lying, making you stories, and more how do you not even question the crap they feed you? Maybe you don’t know because you never see anything but them. You say Trump never admits he’s wrong and I agree but do you ever see the NYT or Don Lemon go back and admit their stories were wrong? It’s rare, if ever.
What does this have to do with anything?

I and many others don't like Biden and I'm not surprised.

The thing is no one cares when Trump is the other option.

The same way Trump got a push over the top from voters who hated Hillary it will be the same with those who hate him mobilizing.
If the Dems weren’t so stupid as to destroy cities, push far left agendas, and lose their minds over literally everything Trump says and does, which usually only exposes their own lies and hypocrisy, then you might be correct. Trump will win.
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What does this have to do with anything?

I and many others don't like Biden and I'm not surprised.

The thing is no one cares when Trump is the other option.

The same way Trump got a push over the top from voters who hated Hillary it will be the same with those who hate him mobilizing.
By the way, you can’t bitch about Trump being racist anymore when you are admittedly overlooking it with Biden.
Ok, it's a conservative safe space. Gotcha. I'll retreat to the real world.

So destroying a mans life over a lie just to gain political clout is ok with you because it was a democrat doing it?

This is why no one on here takes you seriously. This doesn't bother you the slightest because you are a partisan hack.
So you basically believe whatever the MSM tells you.
No, I believe what my eyes and ears tell me.

So, in other words, you are literally buying every single piece of BS “reporting” by CNN, MSNBC, and the lot. After all you’ve seen where they’ve been caught lying, making you stories, and more how do you not even question the crap they feed you? Maybe you don’t know because you never see anything but them. You say Trump never admits he’s wrong and I agree but do you ever see the NYT or Don Lemon go back and admit their stories were wrong? It’s rare, if ever. (Can't find who wrote this, must have been deleted??)

No, I don't listen to Don Lemon and take MSNBC and CNN with a grain of salt. What do you listen too? It's really not rocket science if you open your mind..All you have to do is watch the video and read the tweets of Trump. He's not hiding who he is from us. Was it yesterday? He said there was "No proof" about the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, even though allies confirmed it. How many excuses does he make for Putin till you start wondering WTF is up with this?

Me and Mrs. Rogers agree. She got some good taste in men. I love me some Fred. Rogers.

Mister Rogers' Widow Blasts Trump After Hosting Rally in His Hometown
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No she heard and saw it correctly. Whatever the MSM said she got it all.
It's comfort food for them...they only want to hear good things about their candidate and even if it's untrue they want their opponent demonized.. I wonder how many people knew this story about Biden or that he wrecked Jill's husband's car why they were out having an affair... Joe also lied about that saying they met on a double date..not true...both Jill and her husband worked for Biden's campaign and were screwing around behind the scenes
It's comfort food for them...they only want to hear good things about their candidate and even if it's untrue they want their opponent demonized.. I wonder how many people knew this story about Biden or that he wrecked Jill's husband's car why they were out having an affair... Joe also lied about that saying they met on a double date..not true...both Jill and her husband worked for Biden's campaign and were screwing around behind the scenes

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Oh, Lawd. Say it ain't so Joe!!!
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