Biden Ripped Apart On Social Media - 'I May Be A White Boy, But I'm Not Stupid'

This is rich coming from one who foolishly babbles like a mentally deficient asylum dweller…. All while labeling others. You’re a piece of work

Please, sonny, stop bragging about your deficiencies. No one really wants to know about them.
Geez man. Tone down the sensitivity level.

Oranegburst offered you good advice: Stop feeding. I already told you 2-3 times yestidy that I enjoy you guys attacks, and keep doing it. Glutton for punishment? No, I like creating imaginative comebacks, and watching you all futilely try to match me. Like I've said in the past, you folks are the best toys I ever had. But you're so dense, even when told point-blank what I'm doing, you still don't get it. But at least you guys are good blockers. But I doubt you'd make it as part of the Vols OL, just the same. Still, I think you're good blockers, yessir.
You should be less like those people and more like Ras. He often takes a contrarian position and gets mocked and insulted. I’m always impressed by how well he handles it. He never gets baited into the mud.

You know, your words have wisdom. Funny thing is, someone else, quite recently, suggested if I continued my back and forth game with the children of Abaddon (AKA: Apollyon), I would become exactly like them. So much so no one would be able to tell the difference. Two different people on either side of my head, one online, one in the flesh, saying pretty much the same words of wisdom, in such a close interval, can't be a coincidence. I hear you.

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