Biden says US raid in Syria killed ISIS leader

I don't think we should be using drones to kill people. Too many civilians being killed simply from being near a target. If killing a target isn't worth risking our soldiers lives, then they aren't that important of a target.
I believe I read that the bad guys detonated a bomb or something, causing collateral damage/casualties.

And, I'm all for avoiding a possible loss of American soldiers taking out the a$$holes.
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Wholeheartedly disagree. If we can whack a bad guy without putting our people in danger I'm all for it, we just need to do a better job with them.
A "bad guy" in a foreign country that we have no business being involved with.
We have this affinity for killing people in poor countries that are embroiled in civil war or under the rule of a dictator for "justice" because it's easy and it makes some people feel good.
This is dangerous for all of us because this seems to be building up a sense of hubris and false courage for these shot callers. They see us rolling over these smaller countries and seem to think that things will go just as well when we face a military peer like a Russia or China. They are going to play these silly azz games and end up getting us in a world of hurt.
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You're right.

Could you imagine having to defend Biden on his own merits right now (as opposed to the But Trump default defense)

It be the equivalent of a beaten and battered woman bragging on her new boyfriend. “He’s good to me. He doesn’t hit me or cheat on me”.

I’m honestly shocked at the 1/4th of Americans that want him to run again.
This is dangerous for all of us because this seems to be building up a sense of hubris and false courage for these shot callers. They see us rolling over these smaller countries and seem to think that things will go just as well when we face a military peer like a Russia or China. They are going to play these silly azz games and end up getting us in a world of hurt.
We don't stand a chance in a war with China or Russia. Our military is weak and full of people like Milley and Austin that are worried if we have the proper rules in place to protect gays and transgenders and if white racists are rooted out.
Hot take
"The opposition-run Syrian Civil Defense, first responders also known as the White Helmets, said 13 civilians were killed as a result of the fighting and blasts that occurred at the raid site, including six children and four women.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war watchdog group based in the United Kingdom, said in a press statement that nine people, including at least two children and a woman, were killed during Wednesday's mission. The group cited local sources."

And of course:

"A U.S. official, meanwhile, told ABC News that the reported civilian casualties were not the result of U.S. military fire, but occurred when the target of the raid detonated an explosive device at the beginning of the operation. "

Sounds remarkably similar to “We are confident we successfully hit the target,” Urban said. “Significant secondary explosions from the vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material.”

Significant secondary explosions no one but the high military CYAers have ever seen.
I for one, give the team who did this (if it actually is a confirmed kill) and Joe Biden (who had little to do with it but its under his admin) due credit. One less scumbag in the world is a nice thing. Unfortunately, women and children can pay the price for the malfeasance of others, much as they have had for all of history.

I give credit where it is merited and if the story is true, it is good. Now that we have covered that grain of rice, we can go back to the regular scheduled programing discussing the 2 ton anvil that represents the accumulation of his administration's abysmal failures.
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Uhh ohhh...

Biden Admin Already Backtracking On ISIS Leader Raid Story Details | ZeroHedge

The military officials admitted Thursday that they don’t know for certain if al-Qurayshi detonated the bomb that caused the explosion. They insist the blast was caused by someone in the building and wasn’t the fault of the US, but they admitted there is no video footage of the raid.

The officials also said they couldn’t rule out that more people than al-Qurayshi and his family died. They noted that "multiple bodies" ended up under rubble, and the US forces didn’t have time to count them.

That is a tough question, Jen. Should we trust information from the US military or from ISIS?

On the day the raid was announced, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said it was "confirmed" that al-Qurayshi blew himself up and scoffed at a reporter who asked for evidence. The reporter mentioned that some people are 'skeptical" about US claims when it comes to civilian casualties. Psaki fired back and asked if the skeptics thought ISIS was providing more accurate information than the US military.

"Well, not ISIS, but, I mean, the US has not always been straightforward about what happens with civilians. And, I mean, that is a fact," the reporter responded.
Uhh ohhh...

Biden Admin Already Backtracking On ISIS Leader Raid Story Details | ZeroHedge
On the day the raid was announced, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said it was "confirmed" that al-Qurayshi blew himself up and scoffed at a reporter who asked for evidence. The reporter mentioned that some people are 'skeptical" about US claims when it comes to civilian casualties. Psaki fired back and asked if the skeptics thought ISIS was providing more accurate information than the US military.

"Well, not ISIS, but, I mean, the US has not always been straightforward about what happens with civilians. And, I mean, that is a fact," the reporter responded.

To which NCFisher fired back:
"Do you, PressSec Psaki, think Biden is providing more accurate information than the U.S. military regarding Afghanistan preparedness - ?
Biden says he rejects findings of Army report on Afghanistan
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Imagine if Trump had challenged intel from the military... there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I recall them calling him everything worse than "Nazi!" when he did.
But MIC is good now that cold warriors are being re-educated.

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