Biden says US raid in Syria killed ISIS leader

Motorbike-riding Al Qaeda chief is MINCED by US Hellfire Ninja Missile in precision Drone Strike on Syrian dirt road

A US drone strike in northwestern Syria has killed a leader of a local jihadist group affiliated to Al Qaeda.

The precision strike, carried out on Monday just before midnight on the eastern edge of the city of Idlib, killed Abu Hamzah al-Yemeni - the leader of the Hurras al Din group - as he was riding his motorbike along a dirt road.

Images from the scene showed the twisted remains of a motorcycle strewn across the ground, suggesting the missile scored a direct hit on its target.


Fighters of jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which dominates northwestern Syria, carry away a mangled motorcycle after a US drone strike targeting a leader of a rival Al Qaeda-linked faction, Hurras al Din


US Central Command didn't reveal the weapon used to carry out Yemeni's assassination, but in the past has deployed the fearsome R9X Hellfire 'Ninja' missile for similar surgical strikes

Motorbike-riding terrorist is minced by spinning-blade missile in precision drone strike in Syria | Daily Mail Online
US airstrikes hit Iran-backed militia in Syria killing six fighters in retaliation for attack on American base

The US military said early Wednesday it carried out airstrikes in eastern Syria that targeted areas used by militias backed by Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard.

Opposition war monitor the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and activist collective Deir Ezzor 24 said the airstrikes targeted the Ayash Camp run by the Fatimiyoun group made up of Shiite fighters from Afghanistan.

The war monitor reported that at least six Syrian and foreign militants were killed in the airstrikes.


US President Joe Biden on August 23 ordered air strikes in eastern Syria targeting facilities used by Iranian-backed militias. This file photo shows US Navy F/A-18E Super Hornets flying in formation over the Mediterranean Sea, July 25, 2022

US airstrikes hit Iran-backed militia in Syria killing six fighters in retaliation for attack on US | Daily Mail Online
‘I was a victim of ISIS’: Alabama woman who Joined ISIS, Married Three Fighters and Called on Extremists To ‘spill blood of Americans’ asks to be allowed to return to US from Syrian camp after Obama stripped her citizenship

An American woman who ran away from her Alabama home to join the Islamic State says she hopes to return home — claiming she is a victim of trafficking.

In a rare interview from the Roj detention camp in Syria, Hoda Muthana said she was 'brainwashed' by online traffickers into joining the group in 2014 and regrets everything except her young son, now of pre-school age.

She says she is a 'victim' of the terrorist group, just like those who were beheaded and who lost friends and family members,


Hoda Muthana, 28, insisted in a recent interview she was brainwashed into joining ISIS as she says she hopes to one day return to the United States

Muthana, who joined ISIS at the age of 20 and married three fighters, has repeatedly claimed she is a victim of the terrorist organization.

But at the height of the extremists' power, she had voiced enthusiastic support for them on social media and in an interview with BuzzFeed News.

She told reporter Ellie Hall at the time that it is the duty of all true Muslims to join her and wage war on the West.

Alabama woman who joined ISIS asks to be allowed to return to US from Syrian camp | Daily Mail Online
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I suspect that had ISIS been successful in the war, she would still support them.
She made a decision that she should have to live with but not here.

Aid and comfort of the enemy..sounds like more serious repercussions to me.

In the years since its territorial defeat, a small force of 900 U.S. troops has remained in northeastern Syria to degrade ISIS’s insurgency, alongside a local partner, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who occupy a third of the country, counter to the agenda of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. To a large extent, that counterterrorism mission is succeeding.

No bias there...

Russia Is Fighting More Than One War. I Went to Check on the ‘Other’ One.​


In Ukraine, Russian bombing is detected by radar and warnings sent over digital apps. Hundreds of foreign journalists relay the events. In Syria, the death and destruction comes without much notice — or attention from the outside world.

The Russian military has continued to fight and commit atrocities in Syria for eight years, with no sign of slowing. It’s a signal to Ukraine of just how long Russia is willing to conduct indiscriminate attacks, and a warning that Russia is able to drag out conflicts over long periods of time.

The war in Syria is also a sad reminder that public attention in the West fades, and that the Syrian civil war — once a central point in the U.S. foreign policy discussions — continues even after the vast majority of attention has shifted to other conflicts.


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