Biden stops sex offender program

From the WaPo:

"ICE officials also canceled Operation Talon, a nationwide operation targeting sex offenders subject to deportation that had been planned in the final weeks of the Trump administration, emails show.

A senior ICE official said the Biden administration had nothing to do with that decision. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters, the official said they had not heard about the operation, but that it was possible that career staffers had planned it and set it aside while awaiting new instructions from the Biden team.

The official noted that Homeland Security Investigations, a separate wing of ICE that conducts criminal investigations, has continued investigating sex offenses involving U.S. citizens and noncitizens."

I will withhold my opinion until I read more into this. On the surface, it certainly seems ill-advised. But after several minutes of web searching, I can't find anything concrete about what Operation Talon is exactly and what exactly this operation does/is allowed to do. I only find articles stating that it's an operation specifically designed to target sex offenders, but nothing else. As stated above, they still monitor and conduct investigations into these same crimes. Hopefully, some more information comes out as to what all the operation entails and also why exactly it was cut.

As always, I suggest not taking everything face value. Do more research and for Pete's sake, don't get your main source of news from a news source as blatantly biased as In their effing tagline it literally reads "We report the truth and leave the Russian-Collusion fairy tale to the Conspiracy media."
From the WaPo:

"ICE officials also canceled Operation Talon, a nationwide operation targeting sex offenders subject to deportation that had been planned in the final weeks of the Trump administration, emails show.

A senior ICE official said the Biden administration had nothing to do with that decision. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters, the official said they had not heard about the operation, but that it was possible that career staffers had planned it and set it aside while awaiting new instructions from the Biden team.

The official noted that Homeland Security Investigations, a separate wing of ICE that conducts criminal investigations, has continued investigating sex offenses involving U.S. citizens and noncitizens."

I will withhold my opinion until I read more into this. On the surface, it certainly seems ill-advised. But after several minutes of web searching, I can't find anything concrete about what Operation Talon is exactly and what exactly this operation does/is allowed to do. I only find articles stating that it's an operation specifically designed to target sex offenders, but nothing else. As stated above, they still monitor and conduct investigations into these same crimes. Hopefully, some more information comes out as to what all the operation entails and also why exactly it was cut.

As always, I suggest not taking everything face value. Do more research and for Pete's sake, don't get your main source of news from a news source as blatantly biased as In their effing tagline it literally reads "We report the truth and leave the Russian-Collusion fairy tale to the Conspiracy media."

All these fake small government conservatives just want to take a partisan position against Biden. They assume this program wasn't redundant, wasteful, and unnecessary. Why?

Need more information.
All these fake small government conservatives just want to take a partisan position against Biden. They assume this program wasn't redundant, wasteful, and unnecessary. Why?

Need more information.

Prove that it is. Add something of substance to the conversation
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From the WaPo:

"ICE officials also canceled Operation Talon, a nationwide operation targeting sex offenders subject to deportation that had been planned in the final weeks of the Trump administration, emails show.

A senior ICE official said the Biden administration had nothing to do with that decision. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters, the official said they had not heard about the operation, but that it was possible that career staffers had planned it and set it aside while awaiting new instructions from the Biden team.

The official noted that Homeland Security Investigations, a separate wing of ICE that conducts criminal investigations, has continued investigating sex offenses involving U.S. citizens and noncitizens."

I will withhold my opinion until I read more into this. On the surface, it certainly seems ill-advised. But after several minutes of web searching, I can't find anything concrete about what Operation Talon is exactly and what exactly this operation does/is allowed to do. I only find articles stating that it's an operation specifically designed to target sex offenders, but nothing else. As stated above, they still monitor and conduct investigations into these same crimes. Hopefully, some more information comes out as to what all the operation entails and also why exactly it was cut.

As always, I suggest not taking everything face value. Do more research and for Pete's sake, don't get your main source of news from a news source as blatantly biased as In their effing tagline it literally reads "We report the truth and leave the Russian-Collusion fairy tale to the Conspiracy media."

18 State Attorney Generals are asking the Administration to keep it going. One might think that many AG's would know what they were asking for...

And if you're going to spout off about The Gateway Pundit, please don't use a source like the WaPo as your justification. They've already carried the Pacific Ocean for Biden.
18 State Attorney Generals are asking the Administration to keep it going. One might think that many AG's would know what they were asking for...

And if you're going to spout off about The Gateway Pundit, please don't use a source like the WaPo as your justification. They've already carried the Pacific Ocean for Biden.

Wow, a whopping 18 AG's are in favor of a government program! You could tell me it's 50 of them and we wouldn't have really learned anything about the validity of the program.
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Wow, a whopping 18 AG's are in favor of a government program! You could tell me it's 50 of them and we wouldn't have really learned anything about the validity of the program.

Yeah, you missed the point.

Not surprising.
I support the principle of my gov't using tax dollars to keep sex offenders out of my country. That is a prudent use of gov't

Well, so long as the regulation meets with your particular desires - government bloat is acceptable. I get it.
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18 State Attorney Generals are asking the Administration to keep it going. One might think that many AG's would know what they were asking for...

And if you're going to spout off about The Gateway Pundit, please don't use a source like the WaPo as your justification. They've already carried the Pacific Ocean for Biden.

WaPo is immensely more unbiased (and much more respected) than The Gateway Pundit. Regardless of the reason for the cancelation of this operation or who canceled it, this article from tge Gateway is trash and a clear example of sensationalist journalism. A quote directly from the article:

"Joe Biden and Democrats thought it was best to end this program and leave Americans and children vulnerable.
They really hate you."

That sure sounds like completely unbiased reporting.......

As far as the 18 AGs asking for this, apparently you aren't familiar with politics. Again, I will await further information/a statement from the White House.
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