Biden Townhall

Ha Biden said his name was "shoe leather" as a kid because he was so tough when he would get bullied. Old folksy Joe.
He's full of ****. I bet ole hands has never been in a scuffle his entire life. He talks about it to much for it be real. Just like the Nelson Mandela fable.
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This is true. No denying it. The problem this time around is Americans have seen Trump. It’s not a race of choice this year, it’s a referendum.
What if they have seen him and still prefer him
This is true. No denying it. The problem this time around is Americans have seen Trump. It’s not a race of choice this year, it’s a referendum.
So will you feel that way if Trump wins again?
Joe is nothing but a scum bucket from the swamp and everyone knows that to be a fact....

Yeah, but he's an experienced scum bucket. As opposed to the scum bucket who is mocked by our allies while he praises our adversaries.

I'll take the establishment over a much less intelligent establishment.
And your point would be? I’ll happily admit that I don’t give one 💩 about Biden or the Democrats. But I’d vote for a trained (or an untrained) monkey before I’d pull the lever for that orange moron. And I’ve voted Republican for the vast majority of my 48 eligible voting years. Some of you can’t come to grips with this but not all people who despise Trump are liberal. (Yes Virginia, moderates are still out there.) His very presence in the Office of the President offends and embarrasses me and that’s enough. ABT- next question?
I'll ask again...

Did you vote for Romney or McCain?

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