Biden Townhall

I was being generous.
58% of eligible voters voted in 2016. Trump got 46.1% of that vote.
46.1% of 58% is 26.7%.

26.7% of eligible voters voted for Trump.

Still doesn't speak well of the % of eligible voters that didn't get HC into office.
Well, let's see. It took the 35% that worship him, plus enough of the others to get him into office in the first place. Should be a logical and rather easy deduction.

The real issue is that NBC gave Biden an hour of campaign airtime in prime time. Trump's team should push for the same. I'm sure they can come up with a dozen or so "undecided" voters too.
This is true. No denying it. The problem this time around is Americans have seen Trump. It’s not a race of choice this year, it’s a referendum.
But it is a choice for Americans that aren't playing the short game. This isn't a decision between Trump and Biden, it's Trump and Harris if we're being honest with ourselves I see no way Biden completes a four year term, I don't think he'll complete a year in office. He looks frail and fragile....... And that's before the rigors, pace and pressure of the presidency.

I'm not a Trump supporter but I could not support Harris and the radical side of the current democrat party.
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But it is a choice for Americans that aren't playing the short game. This isn't a decision between Trump and Biden, it's Trump and Harris if we're being honest with ourselves I see no way Biden completes a four year term, I don't think he'll complete a year in office. He looks frail and fragile....... And that's before the rigors, pace and pressure of the presidency.

I'm not a Trump supporter but I could not support Harris and the radical side of the current democrat party.

What policies make her radical?
Wtf is he talking about

I remember Luther telling us that there where almost no biracial ads where the guy was black and that was evidence of our racism. His evidence of this was Mrs. Luther couldn't remember seeing ads with a black guy and white woman. No data, just Mrs. Luther's TV observations were sufficient to label us a racist nation.
I hope the fit doesnt hit the fan while this clown is in office....of it does then we are so screwed. Hopefully the sane people will keep the Dimwits from starting a war so their buddies in the MIC can get rich...
I hope the fit doesnt hit the fan while this clown is in office....of it does then we are so screwed. Hopefully the sane people will keep the Dimwits from starting a war so their buddies in the MIC can get rich...
It'll be him or Kamala, and Kamala's already out stirring the sh*t with foreign leaders on Joe's behalf.

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