Biden & Ukraine: Hit Job or Real Issue?

Seems like money laundering.

I looked pretty thoroughly at their website. Two links to articles written by other publications about corporate governance and no mention of their company name. The third link was no longer found. No discussion of how they operate or costs, etc.

Looks fishy. The links between private company and government compliance seems like extortion. Follow the law or we will sic the government on you. Government compliance would seem the more appropriate term.
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Or worse - official corporate/government corruption
Obama admin set up NABU in Ukraine as
" official anticoruption agency" while ambassadors are quashing investigations, Ukraine's ministry heads are being fired left and right for corruption involving payoffs to anyone that will get them the " right" contracts and contacts within the US gov in 2011 to 2015. There are so many factions over there, I'm still trying to straighten them out.
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