Biden & Ukraine: Hit Job or Real Issue?

I’m not saying he’s guilty...yet. But Biden has been associated with some crooked people in his time.

And his son was on that board getting paid a lot of dough to do not much of anything. And there was that meeting with the Ukrainians. And Joe pretty much bragged about getting the guy fired.

Let’s look into it. Nothing a two year “investigation” cannot get to the bottom of!
You mean like Cornpop?
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Is he claiming that it’s not him talking to Biden on over 100 hours of recorded official phone calls between the two of them.

The amount of boot licking and butt kissing Poroshenko is doing over the phone to Biden is so pathetic it’s almost comical, if the topics weren’t so bloody illegal. It’s especially bad when Biden is telling him exactly what to do and you just know at some point you’re bound to hear a “yes master” out of Petro.

All y’all lefties carrying Biden’s water on this might want to look at what Ukrainian officials are making public before you pick up that bucket.😂
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