Biden & Ukraine: Hit Job or Real Issue?

Interesting given the time you spent comparing Biden to Trump.
I didn't say that it was a defense or that it was right, just that it is a political reality. Everybody plays the "what-about-ism" card. Ever seen Hannity? He has perfected it.
A whataboutism reply to a question about whataboutism as a tactic calling you out on whataboutism since you have called others out on the whataboutism tactic.

Nicely done. I can only aspire to this level of genius.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who picked up on that. Diabolical.

But honestly it’s hard not to like BB. We just agree on too much in FB 🤣
What about the $1 billion in US tax dollars Joe Biden admittedly used as leverage to get Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigaing his son?
What about the arms deal with Ukraine to keep them from investigating Manafort?
A whataboutism reply to a question about whataboutism as a tactic calling you out on whataboutism since you have called others out on the whataboutism tactic.

Nicely done. I can only aspire to this level of genius.
Wait fighting Russians is bad? Make up your mind
Did I say that? First Trump was against it, then he was for it. You might want Trump to make up his mind. Wonder why the change of heart? You have a guess big boy? You would do good not to act like your father.
Did I say that? First Trump was against it, then he was for it. You might want Trump to make up his mind. Wonder why the change of heart? You have a guess big boy? You would do good not to act like your father.
And you would do good to not act like the guy you profess to hate.
Ewwww. Read up on Hunter Biden. Started dating his sister-in-law after her husband (and his brother) died. Really? Have some decency bro.

While I won't comment on the dating thing, does anyone else see a corollary between Biden and the Kennedys. Biden seems to have suffered a lot of death in his immediate family as have the Kennedys. Maybe some soul selling?
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Good grief this next presidential race is going to be yet another spectacle of idiots spouting trash about one another.
When is the last time that hasn't happened? I agree that 2016 perhaps took trash spouting to an extreme, but hasn't it always been that way?
Ewwww. Read up on Hunter Biden. Started dating his sister-in-law after her husband (and his brother) died. Really? Have some decency bro.

Again, that's old news to us conservatives. I'm not trying to be derogatory. I honestly wouldn't expect you to know a lot things that portray Democrats in a negative light.
I know its just getting so tiresome. I mean politics and politicians have done more to divide this country than anything possibly ever could.
Creating problems, or creating the perception of problems and offering a "solution" to solve it, describes about 95% of what a politician does.

If it is a real and not a perceived problem, it is important to disguise its origins. If people know that the government created the problem, or had a hand in its creation, they are unlikely to get on board with a solution that involves the government.
Again, that's old news to us conservatives. I'm not trying to be derogatory. I honestly wouldn't expect you to know a lot things that portray Democrats in a negative light.

You're a rich, well-educated dude and you go after your recently deceased brother's wife? Should have just mail ordered one like Trump. Seems to have helped stave off Trump from moving on his own daughter

You're a rich, well-educated dude and you go after your recently deceased brother's wife? Should have just mail ordered one like Trump. Seems to have helped stave off Trump from moving on his own daughter

I wasn't attacking you but oh well.
While I won't comment on the dating thing, does anyone else see a corollary between Biden and the Kennedys. Biden seems to have suffered a lot of death in his immediate family as have the Kennedys. Maybe some soul selling?
Ridiculous voodoo nonsense.

...Democrats don't have souls to sell.

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