Biden & Ukraine: Hit Job or Real Issue?

The Deep State is so Deep that chashing it to it's origins will lead all the way to Hades!
Be prepared to fight and to continue to fight till the death, for our country and the Constitutitution, whatever the cost!
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I saw last night on the Ingraham Angle that he called off the trip. So this is a mute point now.
I've been busy all day & haven't seen if he's changed his mind on it.

Yep. It sure was worth $35 million to take those hardened criminals off the streets.

The current administration ordered $24m on airplane refrigerators last year.

Before I get into the taxpayer waste of the 200+ golf outings that have been recorded and the at a (conservatively) estimated cost of $110 million plus, would you like to reconsider bellyaching about the cost of an investigation that looked into and found evidence of foreign interference into the pillar of our republic?

Nevermind, I'm sure you would not. Your selective outrage and indignation is noted.
The current administration ordered $24m on airplane refrigerators last year.

Before I get into the taxpayer waste of the 200+ golf outings that have been recorded and the (conservatively) estimated cost of $110 million plus, would you like to reconsider bellyaching about the cost of an investigation that looked into and found evidence of foreign interference into the pillar of our republic?

Nevermind, I'm sure you would not. Your selective outrage and indignation is noted.
Which one of the President's staff was it that Mueller said colluded with the Russian government?

I guess you wouldn't mind us spending a few million more to investigate if there was any Biden/Ukraine influence on the pillar of our republic then.
Which one of the President's staff was it that Mueller said colluded with the Russian government?

"Collusion" was your endzone, not mine. I've never subscribed to that premise, however the corruption and influence the russians and others were an are continuing to exert are well worth the cost. It's an easy expenditure for Americans to eat especially compared to trump's continued trips to his own resorts.
"Collusion" was your endzone, not mine. I've never subscribed to that premise, however the corruption and influence the russians and others were an are continuing to exert are well worth the cost. It's an easy expenditure for Americans to eat especially compared to trump's continued trips to his own resorts.
Your jealousy is palpable.
I guess you wouldn't mind us spending a few million more to investigate if there was any Biden/Ukraine influence on the pillar of our republic then.

Nope, have at it. A few million to root out corruption at the highest levels is a pittance.
I thought that was what you were doing with the "continued trips to his own resorts" thingy.

It was simply an example of your selective outrage over taxpayer spending. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that you failed to connect the dots, I thought it was a fairly simple concept - perhaps I overestimated you.
It was simply an example of your selective outrage over taxpayer spending. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that you failed to connect the dots, I thought it was a fairly simple concept - perhaps I overestimated you.
I filed Trump's resort visits next to Michelle's family safari to the homeland.
The current administration ordered $24m on airplane refrigerators last year.

Before I get into the taxpayer waste of the 200+ golf outings that have been recorded and the at a (conservatively) estimated cost of $110 million plus, would you like to reconsider bellyaching about the cost of an investigation that looked into and found evidence of foreign interference into the pillar of our republic?

Nevermind, I'm sure you would not. Your selective outrage and indignation is noted.
I'd say 150B would cover those golf trips wouldn't you?

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