Biden & Ukraine: Hit Job or Real Issue?

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You believe everything the media spews.


Are you challenging Giuliani's own words? There's no spin here. He specifically said he's going to go meddle in a foreign country's investigation. And that's being done to aid Trump's 2020 election.
I wonder if there is any financial connection between that company, and the Bandarists (grandsons of the Galatian SS) that our state dept used to execute the coup in ‘14...
Our favorite pasture-ready Trump surrogate just admitted he's trying to drum up investigations in Ukraine that would harm Biden.

A surrogate who carries water for big pharma :
“Abusers die, well that is the choice they made, I doubt a single one didn’t know of the risks,” the acquaintance wrote. If people die because they abuse OxyContin, “then good riddance.”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Rudy Giuliani won deal for OxyContin maker to continue sales of drug behind opioid deaths
Seriously. Go to Ukraine to look for dirt on Biden's kid? He's got to be annoying even Trump at this point. The guy is past eccentric. He's deranged.
I saw last night on the Ingraham Angle that he called off the trip. So this is a mute point now.
I've been busy all day & haven't seen if he's changed his mind on it.
Seriously. Go to Ukraine to look for dirt on Biden's kid? He's got to be annoying even Trump at this point. The guy is past eccentric. He's deranged.

This needs to be investigated. Biden and his son needs to be subpoenaed to stand in front of congress and answer questions. I think we may have a collusion case and if they fail to answer to congress they should be charged with obstruction.
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Seriously. Go to Ukraine to look for dirt on Biden's kid? He's got to be annoying even Trump at this point. The guy is past eccentric. He's deranged.

He’s on the search for potential corruption and foreign influence in US politics...involving a potential candidate for the presidency.

Given your track record, I would have thought you would be all for going to any lengths necessary to get to the bottom of this.
OMG people are actually buying into this???? Gullibility of Trumpsters is unmatched in human history.
OMG people are actually buying into this???? Gullibility of Trumpsters is unmatched in human history.

I’m not saying he’s guilty...yet. But Biden has been associated with some crooked people in his time.

And his son was on that board getting paid a lot of dough to do not much of anything. And there was that meeting with the Ukrainians. And Joe pretty much bragged about getting the guy fired.

Let’s look into it. Nothing a two year “investigation” cannot get to the bottom of!

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