biden's niece's diary

Considering he’s the one that turned it in, it’s a pretty big stretch to think he acted criminally.

It doesn’t mean they won’t go after him legally. Regardless of the strength of the case, the legal process is the punishment. They will drag your name through the dirt while bankrupting you on legal fees.
It doesn’t mean they won’t go after him legally. Regardless of the strength of the case, the legal process is the punishment. They will drag your name through the dirt while bankrupting you on legal fees.
if it goes to court and they find for the defendant, wouldn't the gov pay the fees?
Corrupt FBI And SDNY Sets Sights On James O'Keefe After Plea Deal Conviction — The Republic Brief

so they're going after o'keefe. this whole think is a set up. good stuff below

For one thing, Ashley Biden is Joe Biden's daughter; not his niece.

... and for another thing, the linked article described the diary as having been "abandoned." That is a lie. Ashley Biden had stored several of her personal belongings in a friend's house. This house was later rented to the defendants. The defendants had no right to take possession of those items for the purpose of trying to sell them.

Duo plead guilty to plot to sell Biden daughter’s stolen diary to Project Veritas

The theft also involved much more than just a diary. Ashley Biden had also stored tax records and digital devices in her friend's house as well.

The defendants in this case sold Ashley Biden's property for $40,000 and even had the audacity to return to the house after they had moved out, in order to collect more of Ashley Biden's belongings when they were asked to do so by members of Project Veritas.
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For one thing, Ashley Biden is Joe Biden's daughter; not his niece.

... and for another thing, the linked article described the diary as having been "abandoned." That is a lie. Ashley Biden had stored several of her personal belongings in a friend's house. This house was later rented to the defendants. The defendants had no right to take possession of those items for the purpose of trying to sell them.

Duo plead guilty to plot to sell Biden daughter’s stolen diary to Project Veritas

The theft also involved much more than just a diary. Ashley Biden had also stored tax records and digital devices in her friend's house as well.

The defendants in this case sold Ashley Biden's property for $40,000 and even had the audacity to return to the houase after they had moved out, in order to collect more of Ashley Biden's belongings when they were asked to do so by members of Project Veritas.
???The daughter of one of the US most premier lawyers leaves her diary and tax records in the house of a friend who rents the house out without removing personal effects?
For one thing, Ashley Biden is Joe Biden's daughter; not his niece.

... and for another thing, the linked article described the diary as having been "abandoned." That is a lie. Ashley Biden had stored several of her personal belongings in a friend's house. This house was later rented to the defendants. The defendants had no right to take possession of those items for the purpose of trying to sell them.

Duo plead guilty to plot to sell Biden daughter’s stolen diary to Project Veritas

The theft also involved much more than just a diary. Ashley Biden had also stored tax records and digital devices in her friend's house as well.

The defendants in this case sold Ashley Biden's property for $40,000 and even had the audacity to return to the houase after they had moved out, in order to collect more of Ashley Biden's belongings when they were asked to do so by members of Project Veritas.

What alternate reality do you live in?

If i move into a property and the previous tenants willingly leave their stuff behind...whether a shoebox full of papers...a toaster oven...a box of old clothes or a diary....that makes me a criminal for keeping/selling/ throwing their abandoned belongings in the trash?

Are you saying it is the responsibility of the new tenant paying rent to track down an associate of the landlord and return their sheit that they left behind???

Is that what you are saying? I havent researched this case so perhaps i am misunderstanding...if so then i apologize. We are talking about adults here though. It is each persons responsibility to keep up with their own belongings. If these folks had broken into HER residence or vehicle and taken her diary then thats a crime. Lock them up. If an adult wasnt responsible enough whether the landlord OR the daughter to keep up with their/their friends sheit and NOT leave them behind in a residence rented to someone else.....then that is 100% on the person who left the sheit behind. Same thing with cash, gold, jewelry etc .. if you leave valuable or important things behind whether in a house, apartment, or even a hotel room and it is rented to someone else ....they just forfeited their belongings. Especially since this wasnt a " came back the next day to pick up what i had forgotten" type situation ...right? This diary was left behind for a long time?
???The daughter of one of the US most premier lawyers leaves her diary and tax records in the house of a friend who rents the house out without removing personal effects?

Right??? Wtf is this dude thinking? Must be a liberal. Cognitive dissonance and a total lack of personal responsibility are calling cards for these communists.
???The daughter of one of the US most premier lawyers leaves her diary and tax records in the house of a friend who rents the house out without removing personal effects?
That's reportedly how it happened. It's clear that immediately upon discovering Ashley Biden's diary, the defendants in this case saw it as an opportunity to make money. They had no right to sell someone else's personal property. If they didn't understand that it would be illegal, then they are idiots.
What alternate reality do you live in?

If i move into a property and the previous tenants willingly leave their stuff behind...whether a shoebox full of papers...a toaster oven...a box of old clothes or a diary....that makes me a criminal for keeping/selling/ throwing their abandoned belongings in the trash?

Are you saying it is the responsibility of the new tenant paying rent to track down an associate of the landlord and return their sheit that they left behind???

Is that what you are saying? I havent researched this case so perhaps i am misunderstanding...if so then i apologize. We are talking about adults here though. It is each persons responsibility to keep up with their own belongings. If these folks had broken into HER residence or vehicle and taken her diary then thats a crime. Lock them up. If an adult wasnt responsible enough whether the landlord OR the daughter to keep up with their/their friends sheit and NOT leave them behind in a residence rented to someone else.....then that is 100% on the person who left the sheit behind. Same thing with cash, gold, jewelry etc .. if you leave valuable or important things behind whether in a house, apartment, or even a hotel room and it is rented to someone else ....they just forfeited their belongings. Especially since this wasnt a " came back the next day to pick up what i had forgotten" type situation ...right? This diary was left behind for a long time?
You are living in an alternate reality where you get to define what the law says. You don't.

The actions taken by the defendants in this case constituted trafficking in stolen property ... as defined by the actual law. Hence, the reason that these people just pleaded guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property, which is a felony.

Your "Finders = Keepers" reasoning is not the law.
Yeah thats some crazy crap. See a backpack/skateboard/any personal item laying on a park bench, dropped in a hallway or on the sidewalk etc...i raised my kids to never take anything like that because despite the fact that they didnt know who any item belonged to, they knew it wasnt THEIRS. That makes logical and moral sense. Public stuff lost dropped left behind etc...

But move into a house....and the previous ADULT tenants willingly leave some item behind for MONTHS and never make any attempt whatsoever to be a responsible adult and contact the current resident, much less you know...remove their belongings from a residence when moving out like a normal responsible adult....they leave their trash for the new tenants to have to throw away/keep/ sell etc and the jackazzes in this situation are supposed to be the NEW tenants? In order for the new tenants to be in the wrong, one would have to believe that it was not the responsibility of the previous tenant to actually clean up after themselves and take all of their stuff with them ....but the responsibility rather falls on the NEW tenant to track down the old tenant from months prior and return items to them so unimportant to the previous tenants that they never once came looking for them???

If not....then one would have to believe that the actual crime occurred not in that manner....but because the new tenants chose to sell the abandoned item rather than keeping it or doing the previous tenants job and throwing the apparently unwanted item in the trash???

I think there is a serious distinction between taking something that is not yours....stealing....and taking posession of an item that a previous tenant abandoned IN the place where you now live, and have lived establishing residence for months by paying rent... and thereby temporary ownership of not only the domicile but the contents of ones home.

This sounds like people getting railroaded by a partisan BS leftist corrupt justice system in a liberal cesspool. First mistake was liviing in a liberal sheithole to begin with...i bet the farm that if it was Trumps daughters diary full of crap that made Trump out to be the child molestor that Biden is....these folks never even face charges in that liberal dumpster fire. No way.
What alternate reality do you live in?

If i move into a property and the previous tenants willingly leave their stuff behind...whether a shoebox full of papers...a toaster oven...a box of old clothes or a diary....that makes me a criminal for keeping/selling/ throwing their abandoned belongings in the trash?

Are you saying it is the responsibility of the new tenant paying rent to track down an associate of the landlord and return their sheit that they left behind???

Is that what you are saying? I havent researched this case so perhaps i am misunderstanding...if so then i apologize. We are talking about adults here though. It is each persons responsibility to keep up with their own belongings. If these folks had broken into HER residence or vehicle and taken her diary then thats a crime. Lock them up. If an adult wasnt responsible enough whether the landlord OR the daughter to keep up with their/their friends sheit and NOT leave them behind in a residence rented to someone else.....then that is 100% on the person who left the sheit behind. Same thing with cash, gold, jewelry etc .. if you leave valuable or important things behind whether in a house, apartment, or even a hotel room and it is rented to someone else ....they just forfeited their belongings. Especially since this wasnt a " came back the next day to pick up what i had forgotten" type situation ...right? This diary was left behind for a long time?

To me it looks like there is a distinct connection to the FBI's desperate attempt to nail Trump for his alleged possession of classified documents. No DC bureaucracy wants an outsider in power, and the FBI really needs to redirect the heat for the obvious attempts to get Trump while covering for biden, clinton, and the rest of the dem gang.
If not....then one would have to believe that the actual crime occurred not in that manner....but because the new tenants chose to sell the abandoned item rather than keeping it or doing the previous tenants job and throwing the apparently unwanted item in the trash???
If they had thrown the items away, there wouldn't have been any legal peril for them. They tried to profit from them. And Ashley had signaled to the owner of the house, that the belongings she was leaving behind were things she would reclaim later. By the account of the house's owner (a friend of hers), Ashley Biden had asked if it would be okay to leave those things behind and her friend said it was.
taking posession of an item that a previous tenant abandoned IN the place where you now live, and have lived establishing residence for months by paying rent... and thereby temporary ownership of not only the domicile but the contents of ones home.
That is not how the law works at all. If there is a television in a rental property when you move in, it does not become yours, even on a temporary basis. You certainly don't have the right to sell it. It isn't yours.

You are also missing an important point here :

Ashley Biden did not abandon her belongings. Her friend owned the house. She asked this friend if it was okay for her to leave these personal items behind, and reclaim them later. Her friend said that it was, There was no legal basis for this couple who was renting the house to sell Ashley Biden's belongings. They have acknowledged that themselves in court. They had no right to sell her diary.
That is not how the law works at all. If there is a television in a rental property when you move in, it does not become yours, even on a temporary basis. You certainly don't have the right to sell it. It isn't yours.

You are also missing an important point here :

Ashley Biden did not abandon her belongings. Her friend owned the house. She asked this friend if it was okay for her to leave these personal items behind, and reclaim them later. Her friend said that it was, There was no legal basis for this couple who was renting the house to sell Ashley Biden's belongings. They have acknowledged that themselves in court. They had no right to sell her diary.
Come on BB. What sense does this make? If this were the Trump family you’d have zero problem with it and you know it. Use common sense, something definitely doesn’t smell right.

Edit: I guarantee you also bought into Hunter’s laptop being Russian disinformation without even remotely questioning it.
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What sense does this make?
This concerns how the ownership of property is determined, as well as how theft of property is defined by the law. Those people had no right to take that diary and sell it. It wasn't theirs to sell. That not only makes perfect sense, it's the law.
This concerns how the ownership of property is determined, as well as how theft of property is defined by the law. Those people had no right to take that diary and sell it. It wasn't theirs to sell. That not only makes perfect sense, it's the law.
I’m talking about their BS story of leaving personal things there. It literally makes zero sense and we already know the Biden family to be chronic liars so do the math.
So we're just going to gloss over the fact Ashley stated her President /father is a perv and argue about belongings.
Got it, nothing to see here
I think it’s quite evident that Biden kids are really screwed up, I’m praying they break away from those chains that were wrapped around them as kids and well hunter is screwed because he’s a criminal. Hopefully Ashley recovers and exits the Biden family.
That's reportedly how it happened. It's clear that immediately upon discovering Ashley Biden's diary, the defendants in this case saw it as an opportunity to make money. They had no right to sell someone else's personal property. If they didn't understand that it would be illegal, then they are idiots.

Whats apalling to me is the fact that you are basically admitting that this diary is real and yet you have absolutely no concerns about the content of the diary and that Joe Biden is indeed a filthy sick man who wanted to take showers with his 11 uear old daughter. Is their any wonder his son is a crackhead.
I’m talking about their BS story of leaving personal things there. It literally makes zero sense and we already know the Biden family to be chronic liars so do the math.
The house is owned by a friend of hers... that friend has confirmed, that is what happened, but as far as that couple who sold the diary is concerned, it really doesn't matter. There was not a legitimate reason for them to be in possession of Ashley Biden's diary, much less selling it. They pleaded guilty to the charges and apologized in court for their actions. How about you do the math?

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