Big Brother 16

Revealed on BBAD, Derrick's grandfather has passed away. First Frankie's, now Derrick's. This season of BB is cursed.

That's quite ironic. Derrick threw the comp to Frankie so that he could see his grandfathers pics after he died. Now the guy nice enough to throw the comp has his grandfather die right after. Wow.
What's funny is Nicole is crying about being insulted but she didn't even know the meaning of the insult. She probably would have cried under any circumstances, but this house makes you crazy.
Anyone else see a restraining order keeping Caleb at least 100 feet away from Amber in his future?
The way I see it, until the 'Battle of the Block' round is over, Jocosta, Donnie, and that other girl that's never on camera will always be on the block. How exciting.

I was laughing during that date scene. How does he not get the hint after that? He's pouring his heart out and she responds with, "I think I got an ant down my shirt." That's funny.
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I don't think Caleb's used to rejection so his ego is all wrapped up in it. It's not really about her.
I was watching BBAD, and according to the gossip, Caleb is an emotional wreck right now. Can't wait for the ep
Zack is a grade A doucher. Yes, he stirs the pot, but in no way do I root for him to win. He's no Dr. Will.

Caleb is a complete stalker. It wouldn't surprise me if they found a doll under his pillow made from Amber's hair. Guy is nuts.

Frankie is more of a floater than anyone else in the house, constantly running back and forth. His sister is Ariana Grande. WTH does he even need the money anyway?

Kristina is the second biggest floater in the house. She annoys the crap out of me.

Victoria is a spoiled littled princess. I hope she gets eliminated soon.

Jocasta, what can you really sat about her? She's a pastor that chose to play a game where lying and backstabbing are pretty much the norm. She lost her right to take the moral highground when she walked through the doors.

Cody is another doucher. He doesn't have Zack's flair, but then again, he doesn't seem to have much of a personality in general.

Amber, well, I just don't like her.

I have no clue as to what kind of person Hadyn even is. Maybe it's because he hasn't had as much air time as the others, but more than anything, he just seems weird, in a creepy weird kind of way.

Nicole, she's cute, she's nerdy, she's ditzy...what's not to love? I like her. But she needs to drop Hadyn.

Derrick, I also like. He's played a smart game. Some of his manipulations have been masterful. I just hope losing his grandfather doesn't throw him off his game.

And finally Donny. (I don't think I've forgotten anyone.) I go from liking Donny, to not liking Donny, then back to liking him again. One moment he'll do something so blatantly idiotic you'll scream at your TV "What were you thinking??!!" The next, he'll do something so slyly brilliant you're left thinking, "Is this guy secretly a genius playing not only the entire house, but all of America, too?" More than any other player, he leaves my brain sore trying to figure out his exact game.

Personally, at this point, I'd be okay with Derrick, Donny, or Nicole winning. The rest I can't wait to see evicted.

On a side note, both Frankie and Zack have claimed to be straight. But then, Frankie also claims he's gay. Whatever, I think he's gay and just enjoys screwing with people(no pun intended). Not that it matters. And Zack, well Zack has obviously not left the comfort of his closet yet. There is no way a straight man spoons with Frankie the way he does. There's smoke coming from that closet of his.
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P.S. - Even though I can't stand Zack, at all, I hope he stays a few more weeks just to keep stirring the pot and making things interesting.
I agree with everything you said Weez. Though I do like Hayden and indifferent to Derek at this point.

I hope Nicole, Hayden or Donny win...if not one of them then Derek. I really don't like anyone else, but Zach is entertaining. Jocasta is by far my least favorite person, I can't stand to hear her talk.
One thing about Nicole she's getting a little psycho herself over Hayden. Supposedly she's freaked out a couple times over Hayden and Victoria talking, and confronted Victoria.

And Zach definitely loves hot dogs.
I can't stand Nicole. Nothing wrong with her personality, just her voice hurts my ears. I'm OK with Frankie, Zach, Donny, Christine, Derrick, or Hayden winning it. Usually my list is 2-3 houseguests, so pretty good season as far as that goes.

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