Paulie doesn't have the personality to pull off Derrick's game. Even if Derrick gave him pointers, you have to have a certain personality type to pull that game off. Personally, I get a kick out of thinking Derrick and Cody are both probably embarrassed by his actions.
Corey has been all too happy to ride Paulie's coattails throughout the game, now it's gonna bite him in the ass.
I think Nicole tied her game too close to Corey(and Paulie by association) and now her game is gonna collapse around her.
Paul and Victor are both playing great games right now. Victor's not as dumb as he projects, and I don't buy that Paul is his complete social game. Listening to him talk to other houseguests this week, he's got an under the radar social game himself. Paul is freakin' hilarious. He cracks me up. He does need to step up his competition game now, though.
I like James and Nat. James has made some moves here and there, but at the same time, he quickly fades back so as not to garner too much attention. Now that he's completely out in the open, it'll be interesting to see if he can up his competition game. And Nat has floated most of the season, biding her time, looking for a weakness to exploit. Paulie provided that crack. But, Nat is hard to read. At times, you think she's much smarter than she lets on, but then she goes and says or does something that leaves you shaking your head. Given her own body image issues(can't remember if that was on BBAD or shown on BB), I could see her being sincere with her feelings toward James, but I'm not so sure they can last outside the house. Not because either is using the other, but simply because they are so different.
And then there's Meach. All her crying is annoying as hell. If she makes it to the end, she is definitely this year's Victoria.
Honestly, I'm not sure who I want to win. I do know I don't want it to be Paulie, Corey, Nicole, or Meach. Should be an exciting finish.