I can guarantee you there are Churches in the South that hold KKK meetings. I'm aware of all the "Black Liberation" stuff. I'm not trying to sound like a bleeding-heart Liberal here, I promise. The bottom line of what I'm saying is that if you start limiting where Mosques can be built, that sounds like a major violation of the First Amendment. I don't want the things built anywhere near Ground Zero, or near where I live. I can see Ramsey's argument he made, but it'd just be hard to get around the First Amendment, which I value highly.
Color me skeptical, have you attended such meetings??
What is the source of your information???
Let me say this, even if some church allowed such meetings to be held on their property, which I sincerely doubt, still that philosophy doesn't come from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, neither is it preached from the pulpit.
If there is any group in America that wants to trample on the first amendment, it is the votaries of islam.
What I'm saying is we had better step back and take a look at the big picture, look what is happening all over the world with the reawakining of islamic jihad which hardly ever was completely dormant and now has been going ever stronger over the past century, mostly flying under the radar because lamestream media doesn't cover the underside of their egregious violations of human rights and in fact generally tries to cover for them, even grossly misrepresenting the facts in many cases such as what really happened and is happening in the Balkans and Sudan.
Look what the western liberalism outlook and policies have done to western Europe.
We had better limit islamic immigration and the building of mosques and the advancement of islamic teachings to and in this country or there will be an ever increasingly heavy price to pay. Islam is at odds with democracy, our forms of jurisprudence and nearly every value to the average American citizen that we hold so dear, verily freedom itself hangs in the balance.
And BTW Supreme Court Justice Thomas said that the racism of the eastern liberal establishment was far worse than anything he had ever experienced from the KKK while growing up in South Carolina. (not meant to condone KKK teachings at all.)
Now what?? Black leadership such as the NAACP and others aligns themselves with the eastern establishment and so does Obama and his administration.
MLK said that the racial hatred he found in northern cities like Chicago and Detroit far surpassed anything he had found in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.
Yet still the media, holloywood and other spokesmen continue to try to demonize white southerners.