Bin Laden believed to be dead in Pakistan!

Keep in mind the Laffer curve philosophy focuses on revenues for the government. Why would you be promoting an idea that allows optimum revenues to be generated for the federal government? This has nothing to do with capitalism but only has to do with funding the government and in our current situation paying off debts from increasing government.

Yes and No. The Laffer Curve is an analysis of optimizing tax revenues. It shows that for any given level of revenue desired, there are two levels of taxation that will yield that result. One level of taxation (relative high) yields revenue via higher tax burdens on a relatively smaller tax base, the other yields the same revenue via lower tax burdens on a relatively larger tax base.

If the Laffer Curve is being used to maximize or grow revenue then it fits the description you offer. If instead it is being used to say here's the more efficient (lower tax burden) approach to reaching any target amount of revenue then it is not necessarily big government or small government biased.

That said, I agree that it is being used in this case to grow revenues to match spending.
And how does this translate into a philosophy of lower taxes, more money in the hands of the people, less government spending, and less government growth?
And how does this translate into a philosophy of lower taxes, more money in the hands of the people, less government spending, and less government growth?
Everyone agrees that the federal government spends too much money, unfortunately, nobody can agree on how the government should prioritize the money its spends. I personally feel that the gov't should eliminate the following things, in entirety:
Federal funding of any and all education.
Social security.
Medicare and medicaid.
Government subsidized housing.
The war on drugs.

You get rid of those six vacuums, and the debt turns into a surplus in less than two years.
Everyone agrees that the federal government spends too much money, unfortunately, nobody can agree on how the government should prioritize the money its spends. I personally feel that the gov't should eliminate the following things, in entirety:
Federal funding of any and all education.
Social security.
Medicare and medicaid.
Government subsidized housing.
The war on drugs.

You get rid of those six vacuums, and the debt turns into a surplus in less than two years.

I would vote for that.
The GOP is protecting all of that no different than the Dems. After all the NCLB plan is nothing but a Kennedy brainchild. That in itself contradicts everything that has been preached about the DoE since the '94 revolution.

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