Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on 'cruel' puppy experiments

This is a really disgusting story. There is no way research like that would have been allowed in the US by private companies due to animal cruelty laws much less funded by the government. PETA is going to blow a fuse on this one and in this case I’m with them.

Cut their damn vocal cords so they wouldn’t be bothered by the misery they were inflicting on the puppies?! I think we should return the favor when they start screaming why that was a valid response.
For a developed nation we sure are sadistic idiots. Only it got too hot here with some of the more barbaric experiments and now we outsourced those grants to other countries.
I’m wondering what the end goal of that experiment was? Did the means justify the end?
This is a horror story if it is true. I don't get the removing the vocal cord part. It's a large operation in which a tube or a breathing portal has to be put in place. Then there is significant recovery time. Why not just paralyze one side of the larynx by severing or killing the the nerve by ablation which would silence the animal yet allow it to breathe.

I hope this is thoroughly investigated.
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Fauci should do the whole world a favor and go jump off of Norris Dam.....on the river side. He's an evil POS.

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