Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on 'cruel' puppy experiments

EXCLUSIVE: New Dog Experiment Funded By Fauci’s NIAID Revealed To Have Killed 10 Beagles

A newly-uncovered experiment funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), involved intentionally infecting beagles with heartworm larvae before euthanizing them six months later.

The experiment, conducted by researchers affiliated with Iowa State University, TRS Labs in Athens, Georgia and Bayer Animal Health in Germany, was funded with a grant to which the NIAID contributed $6.1 million since 2001 and $382,500 in 2021. Two other NIAID grants, to Iowa State University and the University of Georgia, were also acknowledged by the researchers.

In the study, 10 beagles were infected with 200 heartworm larvae. Six months after the injection of the larvae, the beagles were euthanized and the larvae were extracted to be used in other experiments. The larvae were exposed to various compounds to test their reaction, including ivermectin and nicotine.

EXCLUSIVE: New Dog Experiment Funded By Fauci’s NIAID Revealed To Have Killed 10 Beagles
Fauci blasted by PETA for using Monkeys in 'horrendous HIV experiments'

PETA urged Fauci to end 'horrendous HIV experiments' on monkeys

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci in a letter Thursday for allowing the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to continue using monkeys in HIV and AIDS vaccination experiments.

The letter states that NIAID has been using macaques, a type of monkey, for experiments into a potential vaccine for HIV and AIDS for almost 40 years.

"The macaque model for developing a vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has failed. After nearly 40 years of painful, deadly, expensive experiments — a vaccine is still not on the market," the letter states.

Fauci blasted by PETA for using monkeys in 'horrendous HIV experiments'

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