I was really hoping the video you posted would offer some details about how blockchain could be used, but it was 2 hours of two guys playing around with philosophical ideas Highly disappointed.
Which leaves me to what I fear blockchain could be used for:
1. Each person will be given a certain amount of data by the state consisting of financial info, health info, real time health status, passwords or access to physical locations,
2. Any one item can have a positive or negative affect on other attributes within your block of data
3. The government can either turn on or enhance certain attributes (such as allowing you access to airports for travel or allows you entry into a stadium or arena) or can turn them off (turn off those same attributes as well as limit your ability to buy.
4. This also allows govts/central banks to use digital currency with negative interest rates, in other words, they could print infinite money yet put a time limit on how long you have to spend it, or place daily caps on how much you can spend, or gradually weaken you purchasing power over time.