Blue State Death Spirals

How Does Your State Make Electricity? (Published 2020)

From 2001 -2019 37% of the electricity in NY state came from natural gas. So even though this measure bans it in new construction under 6 stories ( exceptions also exist depending on business type), NY state will likely see an increase in natural gas consumption to produce the electricity demands. Unless it can ramp up hydro, nuclear, solar, and wind to meet the new demand.
New York train system is amazing. The blue states get very little right but on the east coast they seem to atleast do transportation better. Well outside of Pennsylvania which is just a chit show.

I miss being able to take a train from Long Island into nyc and never once have to drive anywhere. Nashville transportation is f’d and no one alive right now will see it get any better in their lifetime.
How Does Your State Make Electricity? (Published 2020)

From 2001 -2019 37% of the electricity in NY state came from natural gas. So even though this measure bans it in new construction under 6 stories ( exceptions also exist depending on business type), NY state will likely see an increase in natural gas consumption to produce the electricity demands. Unless it can ramp up hydro, nuclear, solar, and wind to meet the new demand.
You forgot hot air and cow farts.
New York train system is amazing. The blue states get very little right but on the east coast they seem to atleast do transportation better. Well outside of Pennsylvania which is just a chit show.

I miss being able to take a train from Long Island into nyc and never once have to drive anywhere. Nashville transportation is f’d and no one alive right now will see it get any better in their lifetime.
I wouldn't give them too much credit - that's mostly a population density thing. A train system makes sense in those areas and can be run fairly efficiently.

All the public train systems progressives rant and rave about, and think could be easily implemented nationwide across the US, are in places with high population densities (Northeast corridor in the US, Japan, many places in Western Europe, etc.).
I wouldn't give them too much credit - that's mostly a population density thing. A train system makes sense in those areas and can be run fairly efficiently.

All the public train systems progressives rant and rave about, and think could be easily implemented nationwide across the US, are in places with high population densities (Northeast corridor in the US, Japan, many places in Western Europe, etc.).

Columbus needed a train but their highway system is superb. Nashville is just a bloody nightmare.
Columbus needed a train but their highway system is superb. Nashville is just a bloody nightmare.
As is any city that has exploded like that in such a short period of time.

I crack up at people (not saying you're one of them) who are like "They should have planned ahead and build out the roads!!!!," as though it is reasonable or even possible to build out a level of infrastructure to support an influx of millions of new people in just a few years, and have it all built before an anticipated huge population increase. It's such an easy, lazy, armchair QB take, but everyone I've heard say it thinks they sound so smart.
How Does Your State Make Electricity? (Published 2020)

From 2001 -2019 37% of the electricity in NY state came from natural gas. So even though this measure bans it in new construction under 6 stories ( exceptions also exist depending on business type), NY state will likely see an increase in natural gas consumption to produce the electricity demands. Unless it can ramp up hydro, nuclear, solar, and wind to meet the new demand.
The left will never let new Nuclear plants be built, ever River that could support hydro has already been damed, and you can’t do anything to make the sun shine more or the wind blow harder. New York is off on a fool‘s path to self destruction
A place to keep track of the economic and political suicide of deep blue states. Let me start off with the latest lunacy from New York State 😳
New York Passes Gas Ban in New Buildings; Strain on Electricity Grid

Economic suicide, really? My guess is you have never looked at the Total GDP of Blue States vs. Red States or education level, poverty level or violent crime rate. You opened up a can of worms you can't close cat nip.

But I get it, you're afraid of drag queens so blue states are bad. You're an infant.
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I wouldn't give them too much credit - that's mostly a population density thing. A train system makes sense in those areas and can be run fairly efficiently.

All the public train systems progressives rant and rave about, and think could be easily implemented nationwide across the US, are in places with high population densities (Northeast corridor in the US, Japan, many places in Western Europe, etc.).
Also (as a BIG fan of train travel in Europe), the network evolved over time around the concept of train travel. The first passenger rail started in probably the 1830s when the only other alternative was the stagecoach. As a result, the rail networks and right of ways were already in place long before the automobile appeared. And once you step of the train, you are usually within walking distance of your hotel or tourist destination (or else there will be a trolley to take you there). I wish America could provide efficient passenger rail but to do so would be prohibitively expensive and require tons of additional infrastructure to get people from the central train station to their destination within the same city.
Economic suicide, really? My guess is you have never looked at the Total GDP of Blue States vs. Red States or education level, poverty level or violent crime rate. You opened up a can of worms you can't close cat nip.

But I get it, you're afraid of drag queens so blue states are bad. You're an infant.
So if the red states embrace the liberal ways then they can be as successful as California, New York and Illinois? Where do we sign up?
Economic suicide, really? My guess is you have never looked at the Total GDP of Blue States vs. Red States or education level, poverty level or violent crime rate. You opened up a can of worms you can't close cat nip.

But I get it, you're afraid of drag queens so blue states are bad. You're an infant.
Look at the net population loss over the past decade and the number of businesses fleeing to red states and get back to us. Otherwise please stay at the children’s table. The adults are trying to have a conversation
Economic suicide, really? My guess is you have never looked at the Total GDP of Blue States vs. Red States or education level, poverty level or violent crime rate. You opened up a can of worms you can't close cat nip.

But I get it, you're afraid of drag queens so blue states are bad. You're an infant.

Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.
Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.
And yet the least educated state in the country is your shining beacon of California, and New York made the top ten.

Least Educated States 2023
Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.
But gee…..please tell us where people are moving FROM and where they are moving TO?
And by „poorest“, you are obviously looking at gross income and not considering cost of living.
You can afford better housing for $100,000 in Mississippi than you can for $2,000,000 in the Bay Area. And don’t even dare consider rent or tax rates. You people really are blind aren’t you?
Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.
At least those dumb southerners know how to make a budget and follow it

State and Local Governments With the Most Debt Per Capita
Spot on: I laugh at red-staters and rural Americans who are always lamely trying to trash blue states and cities. I've SEEN rural America--it's poor, dilapidated and there is nothing to do: few jobs, crap architecture, uneducated people, no history, no culture....but a lot of trailer parks. Blue states help subsidize red states. Check out where the poorest states in America are--8 or 9 of the poorest are in the South.
Nothing to do???!!!
You aren’t doing it right.

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