Board of Trustees meeting Friday?

I honestly believe you guys read into this type of crap way too much. If Gruden said on tv that he loves the way Peyton throws the ball that must mean Gruden is UT's next coach. If I see another post from a person who has an inside source who is a manager for the middle school basketball team that one of the player's friends sister plays for I will shoot myself. Lets just all face it that we don't know jack from crap.
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BREAKING NEWS: At exactly 1:18 P.M. Monday, November 5th, I held something in the bathroom while taking a leak!

How's that for an "inside" source? You people look waaay too much into things!
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BREAKING NEWS: At exactly 1:18 P.M. Monday, November 5th, I held something in the bathroom while taking a leak!

How's that for an "inside" source? You people look waaay too much into things!

At least I'm not the only person out there who gets it.
BREAKING NEWS: At exactly 1:18 P.M. Monday, November 5th, I held something in the bathroom while taking a leak!

How's that for an "inside" source? You people look waaay too much into things!

Did the guy have to foot tap ya at the stall to get you to hold it for him? J/K
Could someone make me more informed at what all Cheek is doing for people wanting him fired?
Mainly he does not give a flip about football. If you listen to Doug Mathews Sunday he expessed all the history of how student athelete management went from the atheltic department to the academics side(CHEEK) and it needs to be moved back.
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UT Board of Trust is nothing more than a bunch of appointees made when then-governor P. Bredesen dismantled the group as it stood for years. Now the academia of UT-K has taken control, including that of the Thornton Center (study center). While I wish for change, I really don't expect much positive from this delegation.
Could someone make me more informed at what all Cheek is doing for people wanting him fired?

Originally Posted by skeeter33418
He would be a Vol already if not for all the coaching talk, same as a few others would be. If something doesnt change in a hurry, this recruiting class will head downwards soon. Hart either needs to do the deed or extend Dooley, no in betweens. As long as Cheek is here, you can forget a Gruden type hire unless more control is given to Hart. noone worth his salt will step into this situation, atleast Dooley had the balls to tackle it knowing what he was stepping into

I posted this in rex's thread but this is all you need to know.
This is not a "special called meeting" this is their annual fall meeting.
Agenda items include:

President’s report
Strategic Plan implementation update
UT Knoxville Top 25 update
FY 2012-13 merit increase to base salary of President DiPietro
Performance and retention plan for executive officers
Revised TUAPA rule on library fines at UTC
Use of UHS proceeds to fund fee waivers for leased employees and their spouses and dependents
FY 2013-14 operation budget appropriations request
FY 2013-14 capital outlay and capital maintenance projects
FY 2013-14 revenue/institutionally funding projects
Grant of permanent utility easements to Tuckaleechee Utility District for the benefit of the University’s dairy farm
Quitclaim of Haywood County property to Tennessee Department of Transportation
Dissolution of John C. Hodges trusts and transfer of funds to an endowment
Modification of administrative provisions for the Caesar and Edith Stair Music Education Fund
FY 2012 annual flight operations report
Program of study leading to Master of Medical Science-Physician Assistant
Honorary degree, UT Knoxville
Annual Report to the General Assembly
Amendment of the UT-UTFI affiliation and services agreement to change the reporting line for athletics departments personnel at UT Knoxville
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Amendment of the UT-UTFI affiliation and services agreement to change the reporting line for athletics departments personnel at UT Knoxville

Isn't this the kicker ? Who controls the AD
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Fire Cheek, Put Hart in Cheek's place. Put Dooley as AD and Hire Gruden. Saves money. You got to pay Dooley anyways. He would be a good AD. I think he could raise alot of money for Tennessee.

Gruden would never work under DD.
Yes, it's Friday. A lot of decision will be made regarding football. Cheek included.

This is not a "special called meeting" this is their annual fall meeting.
Agenda items include:

President’s report
Strategic Plan implementation update
UT Knoxville Top 25 update
FY 2012-13 merit increase to base salary of President DiPietro
Performance and retention plan for executive officers
Revised TUAPA rule on library fines at UTC
Use of UHS proceeds to fund fee waivers for leased employees and their spouses and dependents
FY 2013-14 operation budget appropriations request
FY 2013-14 capital outlay and capital maintenance projects
FY 2013-14 revenue/institutionally funding projects
Grant of permanent utility easements to Tuckaleechee Utility District for the benefit of the University’s dairy farm
Quitclaim of Haywood County property to Tennessee Department of Transportation
Dissolution of John C. Hodges trusts and transfer of funds to an endowment
Modification of administrative provisions for the Caesar and Edith Stair Music Education Fund
FY 2012 annual flight operations report
Program of study leading to Master of Medical Science-Physician Assistant
Honorary degree, UT Knoxville
Annual Report to the General Assembly
Amendment of the UT-UTFI affiliation and services agreement to change the reporting line for athletics departments personnel at UT Knoxville

If they say we can't afford to fire Dooley then DiPietro should not get a merit increase.
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