


Blue collar skoller
Jan 7, 2012
This dude and his entire family needs to be in witness protection...

His evidence and testimony should be enough to imprison Hunter Biden and impeach Joe, if he manages to get elected...

That makes him enemy no1 for the entire billion dollar machine that is the Dimwit party. Desperate folks will kill a man for pocket money...these multimillionaires can get him whacked easy.

What yall think? Seems like based on his testimony here....TB can testify against both Joe and Hunter to the Feds, in court, the senate and congress, you name it.. and he is a lifetime Democrat who has personally donated $12k to the Dimwit party, from a family of Dimwit way to paint this guy as a Trump hitman.
This dude and his entire family needs to be in witness protection...

His evidence and testimony should be enough to imprison Hunter Biden and impeach Joe, if he manages to get elected...

That makes him enemy no1 for the entire billion dollar machine that is the Dimwit party. Desperate folks will kill a man for pocket money...these multimillionaires can get him whacked easy.

What yall think? Seems like based on his testimony here....TB can testify against both Joe and Hunter to the Feds, in court, the senate and congress, you name it.. and he is a lifetime Democrat who has personally donated $12k to the Dimwit party, from a family of Dimwit way to paint this guy as a Trump hitman.
Would he really be safe in federal protection?
I know y’all are grasping at straws to find another Benghazi or her emails but this ain’t it.
Joe Biden should be prepared for extensive investigations, day 1. This is far worse than Whitewater.
I'm glad you've accepted that Biden is about to be rightfully elected President, but who do you think will investigate him? The Democrat controlled House or the Democrat controlled Senate?
I know y’all are grasping at straws to find another Benghazi or her emails but this ain’t it.


you Dimwits just half assed impeached Trump for NOT DOING EXACTLY what those dirty Bidens actually did... millions of dollars in bribery to a US official from THE greatest enemy and threat to this country, the CHICOMS....hahahahahah

This isnt going away matter HOW loud yall ignorant socialists scream and stick fingers in your ears... this is HUGE....Watergate ain't nothing on this.

You know Hunters going to prison to get ass raped like your boy R. KELLY, right??? Kiddie diddlers get that treatment when caged with the other animals. All those millions and he will still go ....Sadly, I am probably wrong and he will go to a Martha Stewart golf course prison ..but we can hope, right?

^ probably 1 of the most hateful things I ever said...but a child molester that also banged the good brothers wife less than a year after he died??? Do humans get worse than that?

QUOTE="FortSanders, post: 18848209, member: 75538"]Joe Biden should be prepared for extensive investigations, day 1. This is far worse than Whitewater.[/QUOTE]

This won't go away now. Can't sweep this under the rug....the Republicans will never let that happen

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