
So, in a nutshell, your allegation is Biden's boy made money cause his dad was VP.


So. Let's talk about Ivanka and Kushner. Oh, and Eric and that dirtbag Jr.

The allegation is that VP Joe Biden met with the Ukrainian energy company that was under investigation for corruption, after the company hired Hunter to introduce them to Joe and make the investigations go away. The allegations are that Joe actually did meet with them before using US tax dollars to blackmail the Ukrainian government into firing the prosecutor that was investigating them. And the accusation is that Joe later denied all of this and claimed that he never even discussed Hunter's business dealing in Ukraine with him.

Verified emails detail this in real time.

In addition, the allegations include the fact that the FBI had access to all of this information while the Democrats impeached Trump for asking the Ukraine to investigate all of this.

That's beside the concerns of Chinese money flowing into the Biden family.
The allegation is that VP Joe Biden met with the Ukrainian energy company that was under investigation for corruption, after the company hired Hunter to introduce them to Joe and make the investigations go away. The allegations are that Joe actually did meet with them before using US tax dollars to blackmail the Ukrainian government into firing the prosecutor that was investigating them. And the accusation is that Joe later denied all of this and claimed that he never even discussed Hunter's business dealing in Ukraine with him.

Verified emails detail this in real time.

In addition, the allegations include the fact that the FBI had access to all of this information while the Democrats impeached Trump for asking the Ukraine to investigate all of this.

That's beside the concerns of Chinese money flowing into the Biden family.

Lets not leave out U Penn.
So, in a nutshell, your allegation is Biden's boy made money cause his dad was VP.


So. Let's talk about Ivanka and Kushner. Oh, and Eric and that dirtbag Jr.

You're nearly there; the allegation is that rather than never speaking about or being involved in son's business, it appears Biden was all up in there. Trips on AF2 to China, all the appearance of quidpquo in forcing Ukraine to fire Shokin when just months before that Biden's biz partners were seeking his help with terminating the criminal investigations into them.

Remember when 'oligaaaaaarchs!!!!' was a thing? Business partners flipping on you with all the emails & texts. Hell, Hunter Biden's own laptop detailing corroborating it....wooooweeee! your turn; give me the Trump equivalency.
Oh, wait - we already had that investigation didn't we, and on nothing more substantial than a hope/prayer to get DJT.
You're nearly there; the allegation is that rather than never speaking about or being involved in son's business, it appears Biden was all up in there. Trips on AF2 to China, all the appearance of quidpquo in forcing Ukraine to fire Shokin when just months before that Biden's biz partners were seeking his help with terminating the criminal investigations into them.

Remember when 'oligaaaaaarchs!!!!' was a thing? Business partners flipping on you with all the emails & texts. Hell, Hunter Biden's own laptop detailing corroborating it....wooooweeee! your turn; give me the Trump equivalency.
Oh, wait - we already had that investigation didn't we, and on nothing more substantial than a hope/prayer to get DJT.

Heh. Close... actually, DJT was impeached.

When he gets the boot on Jan. 21st he'll likely face criminal charges for a host of issues.

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Heh. Close... actually, DJT was impeached.

When he gets the boot on Jan. 21st he'll likely face criminal charges for a host of issues.


Thats funny stuff bro. You believe that too...even though you can't go googling and find a single document that says it is true...but refuse to even read the certified authentic emails or pics and videos that conclusively prove the Bidens are garbage. From your other posts you seem like a pretty cool dude i would buy a beer....then there's this delusion and willful disconnect from reality when it comes to Trump. Its weird man. See Loother....dont be like Loother
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Thats funny stuff bro. You believe that too...even though you can't go googling and find a single document that says it is true...but refuse to even read the certified authentic emails or pics and videos that conclusively prove the Bidens are garbage. From your other posts you seem like a pretty cool dude i would buy a beer....then there's this delusion and willful disconnect from reality when it comes to Trump. Its weird man. See Loother....dont be like Loother

Despise Trump.

BUT, good news...

McDonald's McRib is coming back. And this time, it's going nationwide.

For the first time in nearly a decade, the fast food chain is making the fan-favorite sandwich available at all of its 14,400 US restaurants when it hits menus on December 2.


Heh. Close... actually, DJT was impeached.

When he gets the boot on Jan. 21st he'll likely face criminal charges for a host of issues.


For encouraging the investigation of someone we now know was under investigation at the very time he was impeached. Notice how no Dems are running on that impeachment?

You hold your breath for that, okay?
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Thats funny stuff bro. You believe that too...even though you can't go googling and find a single document that says it is true...but refuse to even read the certified authentic emails or pics and videos that conclusively prove the Bidens are garbage. From your other posts you seem like a pretty cool dude i would buy a beer....then there's this delusion and willful disconnect from reality when it comes to Trump. Its weird man. See Loother....dont be like Loother
You'd be better off buying him breakfast at Waffle House.
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Despise Trump.

BUT, good news...

McDonald's McRib is coming back. And this time, it's going nationwide.

For the first time in nearly a decade, the fast food chain is making the fan-favorite sandwich available at all of its 14,400 US restaurants when it hits menus on December 2.


View attachment 319279
What animal does this actually come from? I wished McDonalds would bring back their Philly Cheese Steak. That thing was delicious.
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So the long and short of it is that emails that have been verified authentic refer to payments from international companies to Hunter Biden. There are also emails detailing Hunter holding payments intended to be distributed to Joe Biden. Joe Biden is on public record bragging about how he withheld US aid to Ukraine based on the removal of a Ukrainian official that has been on record as saying he was about to launch an investigation into a foreign company that had Hunter on payroll. Hunter is currently under investigation by the FBI for money laundering.

Yeah. Just not sure that’s newsworthy.
What animal does this actually come from? I wished McDonalds would bring back their Philly Cheese Steak. That thing was delicious.

Parts is parts.

I find the McRib pretty tasty for a 'formed' sammich, but the fact that it's made to look like ribs is weird and off-putting.

East Carolina style pulled pork sammich is the best. It's vinegar based which is usually a love/hate thing for most.

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It's pretty clear from your posts that you get the majority of your info from ridiculous right wing news sources, which would explain why you're oblivious to some of this. This bold is just irrelevant screeching. Trump's actions to benefit his family are in plain sight. Here's a link with some examples.

If Trump was "truly" in it for the country, and not himself and family, he wouldn't be charging taxpayers to stay at his properties, would use a blind trust, wouldn't have his kids in the white house, etc.
It’s pretty clear you smoke crack with Hunter
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It's pretty clear from your posts that you get the majority of your info from ridiculous right wing news sources, which would explain why you're oblivious to some of this. This bold is just irrelevant screeching. Trump's actions to benefit his family are in plain sight. Here's a link with some examples.

If Trump was "truly" in it for the country, and not himself and family, he wouldn't be charging taxpayers to stay at his properties, would use a blind trust, wouldn't have his kids in the white house, etc.
Some of that is pretty soft. Foreign people are doing business at Trump properties to curry favor with Trump. So are there any examples of these people getting special treatment?
What animal does this actually come from? I wished McDonalds would bring back their Philly Cheese Steak. That thing was delicious.


you Dimwits just half assed impeached Trump for NOT DOING EXACTLY what those dirty Bidens actually did... millions of dollars in bribery to a US official from THE greatest enemy and threat to this country, the CHICOMS....hahahahahah

This isnt going away matter HOW loud yall ignorant socialists scream and stick fingers in your ears... this is HUGE....Watergate ain't nothing on this.

You know Hunters going to prison to get ass raped like your boy R. KELLY, right??? Kiddie diddlers get that treatment when caged with the other animals. All those millions and he will still go ....Sadly, I am probably wrong and he will go to a Martha Stewart golf course prison ..but we can hope, right?

^ probably 1 of the most hateful things I ever said...but a child molester that also banged the good brothers wife less than a year after he died??? Do humans get worse than that?

QUOTE="FortSanders, post: 18848209, member: 75538"]Joe Biden should be prepared for extensive investigations, day 1. This is far worse than Whitewater.

This won't go away now. Can't sweep this under the rug....the Republicans will never let that happen[/QUOTE]
There are still Republicans? Thought they were all Trumpsters now.
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Despise Trump.

BUT, good news...

McDonald's McRib is coming back. And this time, it's going nationwide.

For the first time in nearly a decade, the fast food chain is making the fan-favorite sandwich available at all of its 14,400 US restaurants when it hits menus on December 2.


View attachment 319279
I still believe there is one big frozen food warehouse full of the original McRib inventory. Roll it out every 10 years and whittle the stockpile down...

VN Store
