
Did you watch the video? Listen to the interview? See the emails and text messages? Listen to the audio recording?

Or do you just want to bitch about the channel it was aired on?
He was ordered to pay 659k to China Branding Group on October 13th. Then goes on every right wing entertainment show that will air him. Kompromat look it up. Fake news and y’all are buying into it so desperately it actually makes me feel a smidge sad for your existence over the next 8 days
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He was ordered to pay 659k to China Branding Group on October 13th. Then goes on every right wing entertainment show that will air him. Kompromat look it up. Fake news and y’all are buying into it so desperately it actually makes me feel a smidge sad for your existence over the next 8 days
It'll get even crazier. Can't wait to see the disillusionment of @ajvol01 in the Qnut thread.
He was ordered to pay 659k to China Branding Group on October 13th. Then goes on every right wing entertainment show that will air him. Kompromat look it up. Fake news and y’all are buying into it so desperately it actually makes me feel a smidge sad for your existence over the next 8 days
Can you explain this particular theory? Because he's in legal fight with a Chinese media company, he is a Kompromat? But the Bidens cash millions in checks from the Chinese gov't and you're cool.
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A new Vols fan who happens to lean left roaming mostly in the political forum. Hmmmm

Who is it Joe? We takin bets or what?

I never did nail down EL...but I believe that I was the first poster to identify her as a woman by the way she posts.

Fwiw she is the only person I have ever put on ignore. I am married though...that means that I will always be somewhat broke, but In return , I only have to argue with 1 WOMAN for the rest of my life. The other 3 billion can shut up, or take it up with the Mrs...but I ain't listening to that yap....thats some other poor bastards problem. Or, far more likely 9 cats and a miserable liberal home.
Who is it Joe? We takin bets or what?

I never did nail down EL...but I believe that I was the first poster to identify her as a woman by the way she posts.

Fwiw she is the only person I have ever put on ignore. I am married though...that means that I will always be somewhat broke, but In return , I only have to argue with 1 WOMAN for the rest of my life. The other 3 billion can shut up, or take it up with the Mrs...but I ain't listening to that yap....thats some other poor bastards problem. Or, far more likely 9 cats and a miserable liberal home.
I'm not sure yet, but I'd put money on it not really being someone "new"😂
Spare me. Vindman did what he did for politics and money.

You buying his book?
Where do you get all of your facts. Are you running around the country investigating. Do you have a team somewhere. Everything you are passing along is just internet fog. Most of us here engage in it to some extent. There is one fact: No one has proven Hunter, Joe or anyone else connected to Joe has done anything illegal. Except Hunter's admitted addiction. The Trump campaign has nothing left except to smear the Bidens. It may work and it may not. If Trump wins you won't hear anything else about Hunter or Burisma. Just like Donnie was going to lock her up. If Biden wins it' will go on for a year or two.
I'm glad you've accepted that Biden is about to be rightfully elected President, but who do you think will investigate him? The Democrat controlled House or the Democrat controlled Senate?
Probably the most relevant post in the thread. As long as Dems control the House, there will be no impeachment investigation of a Dem POTUS. Not going to happen. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. (And I haven't watched the interview or read anything other than this thread to have an opinion on the matter.)

The most telling thing in this thread, the obvious right posters are hoping it's true, and the obvious left posters are completely dismissing it. Perfect example that it doesn't matter if a crime is committed, it only matters the politics of the person supposedly committing it. Don't see many people saying it should be investigated to see if there's any truth to it, just people pronouncing guilt or innocence. Truth should matter, but most allow politics to override truth. It's sad. Neither side should want to be represented by corrupt individuals, yet both sides are actually okay with it as long as it means they get to control things. And people wonder what is wrong with this country....It's not Trump. It's not Biden. It's the whole damn system.

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