
@BowlBrother85 ???

The 2015 email from a Burisma exec, thanking Hunter Biden for the meeting with VP Joe Biden, has been verified as legitimate and unchanged using DKIM cryptographic evidence. DKIM is an anti-spoofing technology available to any email server, and used by Google. The ONLY way this email could have been faked would have been to hack Google find the crypto-key for this email, and use that crypto-key to reverse-engineer the email.

IOW, it's statistically impossible that this email is a fake.

What do you think now? There is every indication that Quid Pro Joe met with Burisma before having the prosecutor that was investigating them fired. This comes out after Biden denied any connection, or even speaking to Hunter about his business dealings with Burisma.
You should open a new thread on this one. Hey turn about is fair play we know we’d have three threads back the other way on it by now 😂
They literally impeached Trump for correctly accusing Biden of committing the crime Trump was accused of

We've suspected. It looks like the evidence is mounting.

Quid Pro Joe. We suspected he was dirty. Well, sunuvabeach...
He’s in denial right now. Is it bargaining that comes next?
He has been vacillating. He was in "bargaining" a week ago when he admitted that he doesn't actually care about corruption in politics. He said it's not good, but par for the course with career politicians. Then he went on to accuse Trump of corruption until as recently as hours ago.

I think this has broken him.
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This ain't going away slick....Hunter is going to be charged as a child molester and hopefully conspiracy and God knows what else...have you not seen the blurred out pictures of him with a MINOR family member walking around with his deck hanging taking selfies?? You think that just goes away next wed? Hahahahahaha You think we will know who the winner is next week? No way. Because when and if Trump wins your dirtbag crook party will demand a recount and appeal it all the way up to the SC...but Trump is still in charge until January regardless. Hunters azz is toast bud....

And if there is evidence, and there is, that corroborates the business deals and meetings where Joe sold influence, he will be in deep crap too...this isn't going away no matter how much yall cry about it. The Feds have already come out and debunked the "Russian " bullcrap sleepy brain dead Joe is trying to spin it as just a desperation move by Trump...while HALF the country watches his son on pornhub banging family members, pictures of him abusing kids and smoking crack ....

This crap ain't going away. For you to even think it is delusional. TDS has yall so freaking retarded its like watching a monkey try to bang a football... complete detachment from reality....

You really think that Joe is gonna get elected next week...and the entire world is gonna magically forget that there's a new video EVERY SINGLE DAY of his son being a sick depraved sex obsessed child molester crackhead???? You think the greatest nation the world has ever known is gonna be absolutely mortified by that sick bastard being Joe's son....and its gonna just go away?????

Here's the real crazy thing...all the stuff yall accused Trump of...which there was never ANY evidence of...pee tapes....bribes from being crooked....EVERY SINGLE ONE of those things Joe and his nasty ass family has done....EVERY ONE

Thats not gonna better be begging Satan or whoever you pray to not to let Trump win...he will unleash Hell on the FBI, the Bidens, name it. Every single crooked immoral lying POS that aligns with your Dimwit party to break the law.

Cocaine is one helluva a drug!
Regardless of who wins, shortly after the election, expect indictments and public investigations of Biden, Inc. Even if Trump loses, this sets up Biden and Company for harrassing and destructive investigations well into the new term. If Biden quashes the investigations, the allegations of a cover up will prevail.
Regardless of who wins, shortly after the election, expect indictments and public investigations of Biden, Inc. Even if Trump loses, this sets up Biden and Company for harrassing and destructive investigations well into the new term. If Biden quashes the investigations, the allegations of a cover up will prevail.

Keep dreaming...
One, OC just burned you.
Two, why are you ignoring this information on Hunter Biden?

Heh. Must have missed the 'burn'.

What information about the President's son is so vital that it should have any bearing on whether Joe Biden is fit for Presidency?
I know I shouldn’t be floored, but I still am.

The same people who clung to every word of accusations asserted from anonymous sources without question refuse to consider the accusations of a named, reputable source who made said accusations on a prime time cable channel.

That's because they are just partisan fools that have no interest in the truth, their hatred of one man far outweighs their love for their country which makes them nothing but pathetic dead weight for the country itself !
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Heh. Must have missed the 'burn'.

What information about the President's son is so vital that it should have any bearing on whether Joe Biden is fit for Presidency?

Are you even reading this thread? The crypto-verified email from the Burisma exec thanking Hunter for arranging the meeting with VP Joe.
Seemed about right after regularly disparaging McCain's service, claiming he knows more than "his Generals", and previously engaging in a back-and-forth with a gold-star family. But yeah, I think ya'll have Biden totally caught...
Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. I'm not saying either way yet.

Only that there's more to go on here than there ever was Trump saying something about soldiers. Maybe the MSM would be more interested if it were an anonymous source making a claim instead of a Hunter Biden business partner.
It was pretty clear you had never even heard of some of the things mentioned. Of course, I'm sure you're well versed on Hunter Biden's laptop.

Given his answer when asked about whether he would use a blind trust, neither does Donald Trump.

So he compromised and decided to just continue running his businesses? Do you also believe him when he says his kids do it without consulting him?

Nobody said there was. We're just laughing at the idea that Trump is some noble guy putting his own interests aside for the good of the country unlike the evil Joe Biden. He's not. He's constantly funneling taxpayer money into his properties and promoting his/his family's business interests. And that's not including stuff like this.

Given the conversation we were having, yes, it was irrelevant. And the 'standing up to China' is pretty clearly just bluster for the low information voters. When he's at his rallies, sure, he'll try to stoke up anti-China sentiment. When he's next to Xi, he's the mouse he always has been.

I know.

It's pretty clear - while you're parroting leftist agit-prop - you don't like being questioned to see if you've a valid or original thought.
Re: blind trusts - that's why he has lawyers. I don't care if his children consult him; it's his businesses that he built and came into the presidency with. It's not like anyone didn't know that when voting for him. Again, so long as policy is not being affected by these interests, I don't care.

Further, he's in the hotel/resort business; it's dumb to expect him to stay at competitors' businesses so long as the price of the service is comparable to market rates. Insofar as nobility; the Trumps won't miss the pay they don't take in government service, a benefit of being wealthy before entering office. What is noble is that the guy works like a mule against enemies of the American people - foreign and domestic - through five years of this crap, for nothing, and still wakes up everyday saying "I'm not done" and actually wants another four years to finish it.

What? - you want him to wrestle Xi, Putin to the floor and choke them out? The fact is, since Reagan, no one has braced Russia - and never braced China - the way Trump has. Even Reagan compromised in ways that Trump has refused to. The mouse - who refused to do anything to stop Russian election interference for fear of angering Putin, who turned his back on NATO allies Poland and the CZR with his "flexibility" to appease same Putin, who sat on his hands while Russia over-ran Crimea (sorry Ukraine) and drew pink lines in Syria, again out of deference to Putin - is out of office. The new guy has made good on President Flexible's broken promises and abdications.

"Low information", indeed.
BTW, to keep you on the bleeding news cycle edge, I had a "secret" bagel w/lox this morning.
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It's pretty clear - while you're parroting leftist agit-prop - you don't like being questioned to see if you've a valid or original thought.
Re: blind trusts - that's why he has lawyers. I don't care if his children consult him; it's his businesses that he built and came into the presidency with. It's not like anyone didn't know that when voting for him. Again, so long as policy is not being affected by these interests, I don't care.

Further, he's in the hotel/resort business; it's dumb to expect him to stay at competitors' businesses so long as the price of the service is comparable to market rates. Insofar as nobility; the Trumps won't miss the pay they don't take in government service, a benefit of being wealthy before entering office. What is noble is that the guy works like a mule against enemies of the American people - foreign and domestic - through five years of this crap, for nothing, and still wakes up everyday saying "I'm not done" and actually wants another four years to finish it.
I actually care very little about his personal business. I’m just amused that people who support the family of grifters currently in the Oval Office are up in arms about this supposed Joe Biden corruption story even Fox hasn’t seriously covered. Trump’s presidency, like everything else in his life (including his charity), has been for himself.

What? - you want him to wrestle Xi, Putin to the floor and choke them out? The fact is, since Reagan, no one has braced Russia - and never braced China - the way Trump has. Even Reagan compromised in ways that Trump has refused to. The mouse - who refused to do anything to stop Russian election interference for fear of angering Putin, who turned his back on NATO allies Poland and the CZR with his "flexibility" to appease same Putin, who sat on his hands while Russia over-ran Crimea (sorry Ukraine) and drew pink lines in Syria, again out of deference to Putin - is out of office. The new guy has made good on President Flexible's broken promises and abdications.

"Low information", indeed.
It’s not my fault if you can’t see through Trump’s tough guy act. The CCP doesn’t care about what Trump says at his rallies. They don’t like his trade policies, but neither does anybody else, including Americans. Putin, on the other hand, definitely prefers a Trump presidency.

BTW, to keep you on the bleeding news cycle edge, I had a "secret" bagel w/lox this morning.
I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean, but I hope it at least made you feel smart typing it!
Heh. Must have missed the 'burn'.

What information about the President's son is so vital that it should have any bearing on whether Joe Biden is fit for Presidency?

That son is alleged by two former business partners email/texts and his own communications, to have arranged meetings with Dad and the Obama WH between Ukraine and CCP oligarchs/party officials and accepted large $ from "Russiaaaaans!", with Dad being policy point man for - gee! coincidentally - those same countries. With son having publicly acknowledging what we all knew; his only value to these entities was Daddy access, and expectations that he'd clear the criminal investigation path for Burisma. "Well, sonuvabitch..."

The documents appear indicate this was going on since at least 2011.
Now, just imagine the leverage these corrupt entities and hostile governments might have over a Prez Joe. To put it into context you can fully understand, what if Mueller had actually had something this substantive on Don Jr. and Sr? What might Sr. do to save Jr. - and himself - from the hoosegow?

Hell, a U.S. Senator wouldn't be cleared for classified info access with this in their background
I actually care very little about his personal business. I’m just amused that people who support the family of grifters currently in the Oval Office are up in arms about this supposed Joe Biden corruption story even Fox hasn’t seriously covered. Trump’s presidency, like everything else in his life (including his charity), has been for himself.

It’s not my fault if you can’t see through Trump’s tough guy act. The CCP doesn’t care about what Trump says at his rallies. They don’t like his trade policies, but neither does anybody else, including Americans. Putin, on the other hand, definitely prefers a Trump presidency.

I find no Trump equivalent or analogy between Joe Biden clearing the criminal prosecution deck against Burisma/biz dealings with China, Ukraine, and Russians, and the Trump clan. But yeah, Trump is really prospering himself and family as president.

The fact is, there is no other answer except Trump ran on exactly what he's tried to do, and accomplished most of it. The only people plainly benefitting are Americans.

China sure as hell notices that trade war, and that the EU, Japan, AU, CA, India, NATO are waking up to them; that has been 100% Trump, slapping them awake, even as he's had to double-slap the EU re: Russia. China and Iran clearly hope for a Biden win, along with every domestic and international Marxist organization. Being the male Hillary, a Biden win likely means U.S./Russia relations become even worse after handing Trump the worst relationship since the Cold War. Russia can't be trusted, but they can be dealt with; China and Iran much less so, if at all.

I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean, but I hope it at least made you feel smart typing it!
No, it was effortless.
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That son is alleged by two former business partners email/texts and his own communications, to have arranged meetings with Dad and the Obama WH between Ukraine and CCP oligarchs/party officials and accepted large $ from "Russiaaaaans!", with Dad being policy point man for - gee! coincidentally - those same countries. With son having publicly acknowledging what we all knew; his only value to these entities was Daddy access, and expectations that he'd clear the criminal investigation path for Burisma. "Well, sonuvabitch..."

The documents appear indicate this was going on since at least 2011.
Now, just imagine the leverage these corrupt entities and hostile governments might have over a Prez Joe. To put it into context you can fully understand, what if Mueller had actually had something this substantive on Don Jr. and Sr? What might Sr. do to save Jr. - and himself - from the hoosegow?

Hell, a U.S. Senator wouldn't be cleared for classified info access with this in their background

So, in a nutshell, your allegation is Biden's boy made money cause his dad was VP.


So. Let's talk about Ivanka and Kushner. Oh, and Eric and that dirtbag Jr.
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