Even had he spelled everything correctly, would it have made sense?If you can't spell "figurative speaking", you shouldn't speak figuratively.
The Wave Doesnt Make Enough Noise To Disrupt Any Offense
You're playing the odds that it won't disrupt any player's ability to hear the check to another play. Eventually those odds will catch up to you.
Then again, Russian Roulette may be your favorite pastime. The odds are in your favor on that one, too.
On second thought, I think that Erik & Meacham would really like you to show your support for them, so maybe you SHOULD yell "Gooooooo Erikkkkkkkkk - Drillllllllll Ittttttt tooooooooo Meeeeeachummmmmmmmm" once Erik is under center or appears set in the shotgun.
I have a better idea than booing...the silent cheer. Everybody flails there arms and opens their mouth wide, just like they were really cheering, but we make no noise! I bet this would freak the Gators out so much, that Urban would begin crying on the field and forfeit.
I have a better idea than booing...the silent cheer. Everybody flails there arms and opens their mouth wide, just like they were really cheering, but we make no noise! I bet this would freak the Gators out so much, that Urban would begin crying on the field and forfeit.
I have a better idea than booing...the silent cheer. Everybody flails there arms and opens their mouth wide, just like they were really cheering, but we make no noise! I bet this would freak the Gators out so much, that Urban would begin crying on the field and forfeit.