Bray to Dolphins UDFA

I wish him the best but I seriously don't see the kid having an NFL career... the next Matt Leinert (They aren't anything alike physically, but mentally they seem very similar) IMHO
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Discipline and South Beach should be hand in glove for Bray.

Disagree. South Beach would be nothing BUT trouble to a guy like Bray. Should've went to some place like Green Bay Wisconsin or Pittsburgh.

Anyway, congrats Bray. Now please keep your nose clean and rep the Vols well!
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Bray could win the job... but the miami nightlife is a diff story
lots of potential. will back up whatshisname and press him to be better. if the kids knee never really gets better, bray could be their project qb.
Disagree. South Beach would be nothing BUT trouble to a guy like Bray. Should've went to some place like Green Bay Wisconsin or Pittsburgh.

Anyway, congrats Bray. Now please keep your nose clean and rep the Vols well!

You missed the sarcasm sign

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Hope Bray spends more time on a reef with a tank on his back than in the SoBe clubs with a drink in his hand. If the kid gets his head clear and works hard for a few years, he could be good.
Just give it a rest guys. You act like he's Pacman Jones or something.

Why don't you just give us all the Face Palm post you always do to be funny when you disagree with somebody, that always works out for you. You should get like 40 likes and feel good about yourself or make a legit argument. Whatever works for you?
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