Eric Cantor on my teevee now blaming bill's failure on Nancy Pelosi's floor speech. Hilarious!
What could she have said that made a difference? Why would House Republicans pay any mind to her at all anyway, as they think she's an idiot?
I am no fan of hers at all, she annoys me to no end, but what does a speech by her have to do with Republican votes?
We needed it. Without it, the stock market will now reflect a series of assumptions:
1. worldwide economic collapse;
2. a depression that is a sequel equal to the Great Depression;
3. many, many more bank collapses than we have had already; and
4. much more unemployment and many, many foreclosures. I still believe that they can pick up the pieces somehow, but I cannot hide my thoughts that we have an economic disaster on our hands and the only weapon we had created was the mortgage plan.