I DO mock Christians who take it upon themselves to judge others' belief systems based solely on their own religious dogma, yes.
Now, it just so happens that such practice is going to be more prevalent in the Democratic or liberal tradition because they rely for their own belief systems more on science and reason, rather than faith.
That does not mean anyone is saying there is anything wrong with faith. Well, actually, I would admit that for some people it does if they have absolutely no faith of their own.
But, it is in my view a major tenet of Christianity not to be bigoted against others' religious views. It is also, in my view, a major tenet of pluralistic representative government thinking and philosophy that one does not exclude from government service or running for office someone based on their religious point of view.
And so , yes, you are damn right when I perceive the GOP Evangelical right, who we all know has a huge voice in these earlier primaries, criticizing, rejecting, mocking, etc., a major candidate for office based on religious views. I will, 100 % of the time, call them out for their backasswards thinking, their hillbilly bullshiite demagoguery, etc.
Why? Simple., Because I am smart and they are ignorant jackarses. They SHOULD be called out for their inane prejudices. Indeed, my point a few above was that it ought to be right thinking folks like yourselves who should be leading the charge to oust from your intellectual ranks the mouth breathers who think Romney is in a cult.
If you won't do it, then I will mock you, too, as having no courage to stand up for what is right under the Constitution of the US of A.