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nice reply. they have alot more cash than we do period.1) The socio-economic structure there is FAR superior to East Tennessee 2) they have 65,000 undergrads enrolled. = more donations. 3) their wealthy donors outnumber ours and they have more of them. We do quite well in K-town but, we are no Texas when it comes to funds. And oh by the way, these coaches you want don't work for free.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:19 PM
nice reply. they have alot more cash than we do period.1) The socio-economic structure there is FAR superior to East Tennessee 2) they have 65,000 undergrads enrolled. = more donations. 3) their wealthy donors outnumber ours and they have more of them. We do quite well in K-town but, we are no Texas when it comes to funds. And oh by the way, these coaches you want don't work for free.

:question: Maybe you should start pulling for Texas then.
The money is only one part of the equation though. To get a big name coach, WE have to do the sales job and convince them why they should come to the coach graveyard that has become of our men's b-ball program.
I concur GaVol. The last 2 coaches to take us to the dance got fired before the next season started though. That makes for a tough sell, agree?
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:19 PM
nice reply. they have alot more cash than we do period.1) The socio-economic structure there is FAR superior to East Tennessee 2) they have 65,000 undergrads enrolled. = more donations. 3) their wealthy donors outnumber ours and they have more of them. We do quite well in K-town but, we are no Texas when it comes to funds. And oh by the way, these coaches you want don't work for free.

Where does all this come from?? How do you know that.
you are incorrect on athletic revenue donated tnvols1. they have more grads, more boosters, more wealthy donors, more funds..
The numbers I am finding have Texas with a bigger budget, but not by much.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:45 PM
just trying to help educate our oh so knowledgeable fan base.

:dlol: Yeah right.......
Its why so many of the "experianced" coaches will not come to K-town. Money, reputation, football and support.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:56 PM
Its why so many of the "experianced" coaches will not come to K-town. Money, reputation, football and support.

That's why when I see names like Rick Barnes, Skip Prosser etc. I wonder why they'd even consider us.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:58 PM
I was speaking of you OWB in this particular instance. :dlol:

That's cool Sarge, I don't need all the educating that you think I do though...

However, I appreciate your generosity. I consider myself lucky to have a mentor such as yourself. :thumbsup:
Who says they have? This list is composed of hopeful,potential,who evers. The list is not even the work of our own AD. Who knows what is truth,lie, or fiction. Mike Scam-ilton has not spoken. It is all hearsay! :snoring:

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