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Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 11:15 PM
Who says they have? This list is composed of hopeful,potential,who evers. The list is not even the work of our own AD. Who knows what is truth,lie, or fiction. Mike Scam-ilton has not spoken. It is all hearsay! :snoring:

Heresay? I personally compiled this list myself .... does that mean nothing to you?

Serioulsy though, I agree. Hamilton could have already decided who he wants and may not even be on our list, but isn't speculation fun?
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:08 PM
The head football trainer at Texas, graduate and formerly trainer at UT, is a dear friend of mine. He says their facilities there make ours look like a high school. And factually their budget is far higher than ours in Every sport.

Wrong wrong wrong, your friend is a homer and smoking crack, probably never been to Knoxville. I live in Austin and Tennessee's facilities are just as good, honestly better than what Texas has. Biggest difference is Texas basketball arena is small enough to actually fill on occassion (not that they do it very often... more like rarely ever). Texas does have the largest athletic budget, but we're in the top 5.

And if your friend ever brings up football, just start laughing...

:machinegun: Texas

Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:19 PM
nice reply. they have alot more cash than we do period.1) The socio-economic structure there is FAR superior to East Tennessee 2) they have 65,000 undergrads enrolled. = more donations. 3) their wealthy donors outnumber ours and they have more of them. We do quite well in K-town but, we are no Texas when it comes to funds. And oh by the way, these coaches you want don't work for free.

Wrong again man, where do you get this stuff??

Their enrollment is higher, but try 50,000. However, Texas has to compete for in-state donors and corporate sponsors with many other D1 universities, namely A&M, but also Texas Tech, Baylor, Houston, TCU, Rice, UTEP, etc.

We have more than enough financial resources to compete for coaches with them. That being said, I don't think Barnes will come to Knoxville; more of the same, being a great basketball coach overshadowed at a football school.

You know, Texas gets on my nerves just about as bad as any school in the country and I would be a very happy man if I thought they would never win another game of anything.

That said, back to Bobby Knight.

I think BK would probably be a good choice for us because I really think the worst of his personality has mellowed with age and the realization that he doesn't have many chances left if he gets way over the line again.

Another point is that if you really read about his philosophy about the game of basketball and the growth of the young men he caoches, it tends to be pretty good stuff.

As to how long he might be around to coach at UT if he were to come, we haven't had anyone stay all that long lately anyway. Plus, some of the better minds in the games of both football and basketball tend to be a bit older these days.

So I say, what the heck, let's see if he will come and let's give it a shot. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. B)
:beer: Anyone who knows the game of basketball?Gimmie a break!B K would turn this stinking program into what we need.Something to have fun watching.REAL BASKETBALL!!!
Living here in Dallas, I get to hear The Bobby Knight Radio Show each week during basketball season. Coach Knight is so much more than what the media portrays him.

I find him fascinating to listen to. He is intelligent and a tremendous motivator. He has proven that he is able to get the most out of a mediocre player and instill a TEAM approach to playing the game.

Hamilton would be remiss in his responsibilities if he didn't at least approach Knight about the job.
If Mike Hamilton keeps this up the biggest and the best sports programs in the country will try to steal MH away...wait a minute, what am I thinking!..We are the biggest and the best! and if we get BK, then the baddest too! Remember, BK flame broils his meat and it is HOT HOT HOT! and it's going to be HOT HOT HOT for all those unforgiving souls that refuse to forgive a man when he has repented and proven himself. Real champions always comeback to win. Truly Righteous Tennesseans should be proud to give a restored man a chance for Glory. BK is the best at winning against other teams and now he has won against his own demons. What more would we want from a champion!?
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life+Mar 15, 2005 11:39 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Vol 4 Life @ Mar 15, 2005 11:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-donsargegolf@Mar 15, 2005 10:08 PM
The head football trainer at Texas, graduate and formerly trainer at UT, is a dear friend of mine. He says their facilities there make ours look like a high school. And factually their budget is far higher than ours in Every sport.

Wrong wrong wrong, your friend is a homer and smoking crack, probably never been to Knoxville. I live in Austin and Tennessee&#39;s facilities are just as good, honestly better than what Texas has. Biggest difference is Texas basketball arena is small enough to actually fill on occassion (not that they do it very often... more like rarely ever). Texas does have the largest athletic budget, but we&#39;re in the top 5.

And if your friend ever brings up football, just start laughing...

:machinegun: Texas [/quote]
I agree. I too know an athletic trainer... one at Tennessee. The Vols facilities a take a backseat to no program. The stadium and arena are the two of the largest in the country. And as bad as the Vols basketball has been the last few seasons, its still one of the tops in revenue in all of the NCAA.

And Don, as far as Bobby Knight being a has-been.... I noticed he had Texas Tech... yes Texas Tech playing in the Big12 championship game last week. Its been quite awhile since the Vols have played in a conference tournament championship game (1991).

There are several reasons why BK should not come to Tennessee. 1) His attitude and 2) his age.

However, there are several reasons why BK should come to Tennessee. 1) His discipline 2) teaching 3) his winning ways 4) playing for championships 5) flat out resurrecting the program back to respectibility 6) the prestige the program will have just by him coaching. Even if the Vols only get 3 or 4 seasons out of him, that&#39;s all they&#39;ve been getting from coaches anyway. If he can build the Vols into a winning program, the handoff to another well established coach will be much easier.

If the Vols want to win championships, they need to hire a championship caliber coach. Ray Mears was great, but has no national championships and a not so good record in NCAA tournaments. Likewise for Don Devoe and the rest of the recent Vol coaches. If the Vols want to compete like Kansas and North Carolina, they need to go get an established coach just like they have done in the recent past.

Originally posted by KnoxKDX@Mar 15, 2005 9:49 PM
Don&#39;t forget that BK has a son who could take over where pops leaves off... :thumbsup:

I&#39;ve seen the son-follows-father thing go bad personally in 2 situations.

1) Joey Myer followed his dad Ray Myer at Depaul. The school hung on to a medicore coach for years because of what his dad did for Depaul. I was living in Chicago area during that time and Depaul was a joke.

2) Murray Bartow followed his father Gene at UAB. Mirror image of the Depaul situation. Murray was a nice guy so he was kept around for years longer than he should have been. His replacement has taken the Blazers into post-season play for the last 3 years. I suffered through 3 years of Bartow and the last 3 with Anderson have been so much better.

DS mentioned the Skip Holtz/Lou Holtz situation.

The jury is out at Okla State where Shawn will take over for Eddie.

IMHO, it&#39;s worse to have the pressure of an implied arrangement where the son will take over.

Personally, I don&#39;t like BK. We had a thread recently that debated whether or not Jerry Green was a win-at-all costs coach. If he was then BK is also in a different way. BK has shown a history of putting winning above human decency in some cases. Many will argue that he is just a strict disciplinarian but there have been numerous cases where he has crossed the line with his players - it gets justified if he is winning. While Summit is strict, to my knowledge she more clearly understands the boundaries.

In short, I believe BK would be the "lazy" choice. Pick a controversial legend and hope you get a few good years out of him then start over; or worse agree to hire his unproven son. :twocents:
Who caresd if Bobby Knight only sticks around for 5 years? That 5 years of being a 20+ win team and finally bringing the UT mens basketballl program some dignity.

If Knight leaves TTU, that program will have been affected in a positive way and they&#39;ll be a pretty big basketball school for years to come after he leaves. Indiana made a final 4 run just a couple years ago after Bobby Knight was gone, they had a down year and barely missed out the Big Dance this year, but have still brought in good recruits and that program will be a good basketball school for a long time still.
So I guess it&#39;s OK to keep the revovling door open, having a new coach every 4-5 years? Regardless of whether he would win or lose, we&#39;ll be in the same situation 4-5 years from now, looking for a new coach and with lots of questions about the future of the program. That&#39;s not a good way to build a contender, which is what UT is supposedly looking for.
Originally posted by orangetd88@Mar 16, 2005 11:44 AM
So I guess it&#39;s OK to keep the revovling door open, having a new coach every 4-5 years? Regardless of whether he would win or lose, we&#39;ll be in the same situation 4-5 years from now, looking for a new coach and with lots of questions about the future of the program. That&#39;s not a good way to build a contender, which is what UT is supposedly looking for.

And with our upgraded program that Bobby Knight gave us, we can go out and get a much better coach than we&#39;ve been able to bring in.

It has to start somwhere, let&#39;s get a proven coach that can turn a program around before we start looking for a guy that&#39;ll be coaching here for 20+ years.
Answer this, if Bob Knight does leave Texas Tech, do you really think they&#39;ll have regrets about hiring him?
That&#39;s what we thought when Jerry Green left, that we could get a guy that could continue being a contender in the SEC. You can&#39;t count on that, especially 4-5 years down the road. IMO, it&#39;s a risk that UT should not take.
Originally posted by orangetd88@Mar 16, 2005 11:48 AM
That&#39;s what we thought when Jerry Green left, that we could get a guy that could continue being a contender in the SEC. You can&#39;t count on that, especially 4-5 years down the road. IMO, it&#39;s a risk that UT should not take.

So taking a risk on a young unproven coach is the risk we should take?
My point is that there are likely better options out there than BK. The next question that gets asked is "name them". Well, the cop out to that answer is I don&#39;t have to since I&#39;m not making the decision. The more reasoned answer is that Hamilton should do a thorough search. The search should be based on a plan. What does he see UT BBall becoming - what are the longer term goals. Then figure out what traits you are seeking in a coach to achieve the goals. If after that process, BK comes out on top - so be it. I doubt he is the solution though.

I&#39;ve been a proponent of Mike Anderson only because I have seen him in action for 3 years. 1) He has a well-defined system. 2) He gets his players to buy-in to that system. 3) He gets his players to leave it all on the floor game in and game out. 4) His system not only is effective but it also is a very entertaining style (as opposed to a Princeton style which satisfies points 1 - 3 but not 4 IMHO).

That being said, until Hamilton goes through the process suggested above we don&#39;t know if someone like Anderson would be a good choice either.

Originally posted by volinbham@Mar 16, 2005 11:12 AM
I&#39;ve been a proponent of Mike Anderson only because I have seen him in action for 3 years. 1) He has a well-defined system. 2) He gets his players to buy-in to that system. 3) He gets his players to leave it all on the floor game in and game out. 4) His system not only is effective but it also is a very entertaining style (as opposed to a Princeton style which satisfies points 1 - 3 but not 4 IMHO).

That being said, until Hamilton goes through the process suggested above we don&#39;t know if someone like Anderson would be a good choice either.

Mike Anderson is not coming&#33; Who we need is Johnny Dawkins&#33;&#33;&#33; Or Lutz from Charlette&#33;&#33;
If nothing else, think of the publicity that would come from having "The General" at UT. Even if he can&#39;t stay that long, he can lay the groundwork to revive a dead program.
Originally posted by Volstorm@Mar 16, 2005 12:55 PM
If nothing else, think of the publicity that would come from having "The General" at UT. Even if he can&#39;t stay that long, he can lay the groundwork to revive a dead program.

Thank You. If we want to revamp our mens basketball program, getting Bobby Knight to coach isa pretty darn good 1st step.
Hey gang:

Buzz is gone, and Bobby is coming in. Thompson Bolling will be filled with people who are there for the following reasons:

1) They want to see the Vols win
2) They want to watch Bobby Knight
3) They want both.

We will become a contender in the SEC (Whether you like BK or not) and he will behave to the extent that is necessary because his worst days in that regard are in the past.

GO VOLS&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; GO VOLS BASKETBALL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :groupwave:
Originally posted by Vols4life+Mar 16, 2005 12:52 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Vols4life @ Mar 16, 2005 12:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-volinbham@Mar 16, 2005 11:12 AM
I&#39;ve been a proponent of Mike Anderson only because I have seen him in action for 3 years.  1) He has a well-defined system.  2)  He gets his players to buy-in to that system.  3)  He gets his players to leave it all on the floor game in and game out.  4)  His system not only is effective but it also is a very entertaining style (as opposed to a Princeton style which satisfies points 1 - 3 but not 4 IMHO).

That being said, until Hamilton goes through the process suggested above we don&#39;t know if someone like Anderson would be a good choice either.

Mike Anderson is not coming&#33; Who we need is Johnny Dawkins&#33;&#33;&#33; Or Lutz from Charlette&#33;&#33; [/quote]
I&#39;m not suggesting that he is - the point is that he is an example of the numerous fine coaches out there. As a UAB employee, I hope he stays here for quite a long time. We need some continuing success in our athletics to counter the "tide" of those who feel UAB should get out of the athletics business.
Originally posted by surrealvol@Mar 16, 2005 1:26 PM
Hey gang:

Buzz is gone, and Bobby is coming in. Thompson Bolling will be filled with people who are there for the following reasons:

1) They want to see the Vols win
2) They want to watch Bobby Knight
3) They want both.

We will become a contender in the SEC (Whether you like BK or not) and he will behave to the extent that is necessary because his worst days in that regard are in the past.

GO VOLS&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; GO VOLS BASKETBALL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :groupwave:

dont count ur chickens before they hatch surreal..keep ur fingers crossed. :cross:

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