Breakout Vol this year



Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
We all know Tiny, AJ and McCullars are going to be outstanding. Who though will have a breakout year?

My prediction:

Defense - Brent Brewer - Always seems to have a nose for the ball and "lays the wood" when he gets there. I think he will be a great outside linebacker like Raynoch.

Offense - Marlin Lane - With an outstanding offensive line, one of our running backs will shine. My vote, Marlin Lane. He seemed to have the the best vision last year.
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Corey Miller or Jacques Smith. I think the DL in general will be a pleasant surprise. We have a proven coach, a lot of experience and talent that hasn't fully blossomed.
I'm betting on Worley. The reason why I say this is that a competent staff is on site and he is now getting a chance to change his life. The way he played in high school leaves much to the imagination of what he can do for us game in and game out.

I'm All In on Worley and look for him to solidify himself as a leader for our team!
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The fact that many of you are picking so many different players shows that there is a lot of talent on this team and, for that reason, and what looks like a good coaching staff, I believe the Vols are going to surprise a lot of people this year. No, they won't win the East or contend for a championship, but will probably pull off an upset or two and compete much better than last year. It should be an exciting year and the first step back to the glory days. Go Vols!!!!
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If we beat Oregon, the break out "players" will be Vols fans. Neyland will fill up again and Knoxville will endure a 3.8 earthquake during each home game as they have that stadium shaking and quaking. A mini tsunami will flow down the river, rock the Vol Navy, and push fish onto the banks.

Planes flying overhead will experience turbulence from the resonance created by all the cheering.

The NORAD will issue an alert as satellites pick up repeated bright flashes from fireworks over Knoxville, thinking they are multiple nukes going off.

The national guard will be called out to remove Vols fan from Neyland because they will be lingering and celebrating long after games are over and the team has flown off to an away game.

It's the Vols fan who will have a breakout year, my friends, just so you know how this all unfolds.

[Faith of the Heart sung in deep baritone with drums, pipe organ, and Jimmy Hendrix on guitar]
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Not really a "breakout year", but I think Raijon Neal is going to go off this season.

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