Brett Favre - Nancy New - Phil Bryant Welfare Scandal

Pretend it's $ for the border that went to planned parenthood courtesy of a D governor.

Instead, I’ll just continue to not worship athletes. I mean who could imagine some guy hocking copper bracelets or whatever he does, could do this?
Yeah, this thread is about worshipping athletes.

Then why is it “nuts”?

I don’t know Brett any better than I do the crook down the street from me. Actually I might, I know Brett hocks copper bracelets. So I do have some insight into who he is.
Then why is it “nuts”?

I don’t know Brett any better than I do the crook down the street from me. Actually I might, I know Brett hocks copper bracelets. So I do have some insight into who he is.

If the revelation of these events is "nuts," then the thread must be about hero worship. - Allvol logic
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If the revelation of these events is "nuts," then the thread must be about hero worship. - Allvol logic

I can’t explain why this is “nuts” to me but it surely isn’t my childish fascination with grown men playing pro sports - hufffy
Maybe embezzlement and fraud at the $77M level are normal behavior for them?

A scandal is normal. We've caught a governor and one of the most famous people in the country red-handed with incriminating text messages. That is not normal and it's fkn hilarious.

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