Brett Favre - Nancy New - Phil Bryant Welfare Scandal

So, many of were mad as hell a few weeks ago about a people getting $10k in student loan relief, yet nobody points the fingers at these colleges for the part they played in runaway tuition costs. This is just an example of that corruption.
Some of us pointed fingers. And we did so pointedly in an effort to point out the points you put your finger on.
So, many of were mad as hell a few weeks ago about a people getting $10k in student loan relief, yet nobody points the fingers at these colleges for the part they played in runaway tuition costs. This is just an example of that corruption.

Yes, nobody. No one has ever mentioned that on this site.

That is just Favre’s money and I think it’s more like 6 mil if you count the speaking fees that he never earned, but maybe I’m misunderstanding that.

In total it sounds like MS misspent 77 million of their welfare funds. But apparently didn’t spend hardly any of the money they got to upgrade their tap water infrastructure. No wonder the state is a damn third world country.
That is just Favre’s money and I think it’s more like 6 mil if you count the speaking fees that he never earned, but maybe I’m misunderstanding that.

In total it sounds like MS misspent 77 million of their welfare funds. But apparently didn’t spend hardly any of the money they got to upgrade their tap water infrastructure. No wonder the state is a damn third world country.
Not the states responsibility to upgrade the water in Jackson. That's on the city. There is a reason the many cities surrounding it, who also experienced flooding, don't have this issue. City ignored the problem and diverted funds for years. Now the State is offering to foot half the bill to fix it despite moronic city leadership
Not the states responsibility to upgrade the water in Jackson. That's on the city. There is a reason the many cities surrounding it, who also experienced flooding, don't have this issue. City ignored the problem and diverted funds for years. Now the State is offering to foot half the bill to fix it despite moronic city leadership
That last bit is some spin that Tate Reeves has put out.

Most of what Tate Reeves has done is agree to spend money that the US government already sent the State of Mississippi to fix problems like this that never got spent.

It never got spent because local Jackson politicians and State of Mississippi politicians can’t agree on who gets to skim the money off of it. Corrupt state officials want it going through their people, like Nancy New, and city officials want it to go through their people.

That’s where the state’s responsibility originates. They’ve literally been given our money for years to distribute to local municipalities and they didn’t do it.

The whole place is a joke from top to bottom and even if the city of Jackson is distinguishable as being the worst part of the worst state, the state is the worst for a reason.
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Pretend it's $ for SS that went to planned parenthood courtesy of a D governor.

Yeah, all misdirected spending should label ad abortion money. Make a volleyball court for post abortion recovery. Make a,game room for post abortion therapy. Etc....
That last bit is some spin that Tate Reeves has put out.

Most of what Tate Reeves has done is agree to spend money that the US government already sent the State of Mississippi to fix problems like this that never got spent.

It never got spent because local Jackson politicians and State of Mississippi politicians can’t agree on who gets to skim the money off of it. Corrupt state officials want it going through their people, like Nancy New, and city officials want it to go through their people.

That’s where the state’s responsibility originates. They’ve literally been given our money for years to distribute to local municipalities and they didn’t do it.

The whole place is a joke from top to bottom and even if the city of Jackson is distinguishable as being the worst part of the worst state, the state is the worst for a reason.
I think there is a lot of truth in this. Mississippi is the Ukraine of this republic.
I've always thought people went overboard with blasting you for your Russia position (because I do agree they've always been a bogeyman), but now I get it. You're actually on Russia's side.
Ras suffers from what I call Reverse American Exceptionalism. Usually an exceptionalist believes their country can do no wrong, and if you dont agree you are an enemy of the state, these are the 'Murika types.

Ras is the opposite. He believes we are literally incapable of actually doing something good, and if there is a bad guy it literally has to be Americas fault. He justifies this with the typical conspiracy theorist argument. because the US has been a bad guy in the past, that must mean that the US is always bad, and all bad must be the US's fault. And anyone who doesnt acknowledge that America is the ultimate enemy, and it's all the US's fault, means you 100% believe the MSM, or are part of the Western Death Cult, or whatever new thing he is on.
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Not the states responsibility to upgrade the water in Jackson. That's on the city. There is a reason the many cities surrounding it, who also experienced flooding, don't have this issue. City ignored the problem and diverted funds for years. Now the State is offering to foot half the bill to fix it despite moronic city leadership

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