Bruce Pearl and the female espn sports analyst...

law, i'm not so sure that she so much had to make a statement, as she answered a question when asked.

either way the only thing it'll do is bring more attention to CBP and the UT men's program, as others have stated. with her on record as saying it's a non-issue, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

or maybe it'll just die like so many other sports stories like this. i seem to remember a lot of talk about fuzzy zoeller's comments regarding the champions dinner at augusta national after tiger woods won his first. i've not heard any discussion of it in the media after that, and it was for sure a much bigger controversy than this is ever going to be.
law, i'm not so sure that she so much had to make a statement, as she answered a question when asked.

either way the only thing it'll do is bring more attention to CBP and the UT men's program, as others have stated. with her on record as saying it's a non-issue, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

or maybe it'll just die like so many other sports stories like this. i seem to remember a lot of talk about fuzzy zoeller's comments regarding the champions dinner at augusta national after tiger woods won his first. i've not heard any discussion of it in the media after that, and it was for sure a much bigger controversy than this is ever going to be.
True. Fuzzy lost his K-mart endorsement tho.:eek:lol:
who really cares. by then we can make a bigger deal of it and further exacerbate the rapidly growing larger than life legend that is CBP.

I heard she asked him to drinks back in Knoxville.

Given her reaction when he did it, I'd say filed for an injunction is more like it (no offense to Pearl intended).

CBS needs to hire her for the tournament. Bruce can feel free to hug her whenever he wants. :)

There's a word for that. Can't quite remember......

Oh, yeah. Prostitution.

law, i'm not so sure that she so much had to make a statement, as she answered a question when asked.

either way the only thing it'll do is bring more attention to CBP and the UT men's program, as others have stated. with her on record as saying it's a non-issue, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

or maybe it'll just die like so many other sports stories like this. i seem to remember a lot of talk about fuzzy zoeller's comments regarding the champions dinner at augusta national after tiger woods won his first. i've not heard any discussion of it in the media after that, and it was for sure a much bigger controversy than this is ever going to be.

Ah, yes. The old "there's no such thing as bad publicity" theory.

Go ask Fulmer how that's working out for him right now.
considering the onslaught of pro-Pearl reporting thus far, i'd say there's only a small chance of any smearing campaign against him. everything i've seen sheds both CBP and the members of the team in a positive light. the only mention of the incident itself seems to be from fans of other programs, and one low-level sports columnist who is given about a paragraph's space in an inconspicous spot in the sports section of the St. Petersburg Times. if i didn't get the paper myself and hadn't been scouring the coverage of the UT/Memphis game, i wouldn't even have noticed it.

i fail to see how there would be any correlation between CPF and CBP, however. while the validity of the UT men's hoops program is continuing to climb rapidly with just about every national pundit and columnist, the UT football program is teetering on mediocrity with a lot of questions to be answered in the fall. one's growing, the other, well not so much right now. CPF isn't getting ANY kudos, and i don't think you're going to find too many people who would agree that getting only negative pub can ever be construed as a positive.
OMG!! Is this really an issue. Go back and re-watch the game. It was at halftime and she asked what Memphis was doing to stop Lofton and the answer fromCBP was they are "holding" him. Thats when the "hug" came in. After the game it was a jubiliant coach that was interviewed. Did anyone catch his press conference today? He was asked about climbing on the car at the airport, and his answer was that by the time he realized it was his car, he was already up there. That's why we love this guy. What other coach in america goes into a bar full of alumni "on the road" two hours before a game of that magnitude, just to start a pep-rally? Answer is! NO ONE!!
i was told when you hit 40 you trade one in for 2 20 yr olds. i doubt bruce would have a problem doing that. hes aa heck of a guy having fun doing what he loves why must everyone pick.
Law, why are you still here? I used to like you, but your veiled bitterness since UT's basketball success Saturday is pitiful.
Well, when UF was riding high last year in winning actual national titles in both football and basketball, the negative posts from fans here was running about 5 to 1 over positive posts.

I'd say that my being a healthy skeptic is fair. Put it this way: I do think that UT totally deserves to be no 1 right now, that UT right now would be a 1 seed and maybe even THE 1 seed.

But as a fan whose own team spent about a decade failing to live up to expectations based on the regular season, I feel sometimes like very few on here understand that the tournament is a fresh new season and, other than the inchoate influence of seeding, you have no advantage over every other team taking the floor against you.

At this point, I just think the hype is getting dangerously close to drowning out the reality.
And it didn't bother me at all. My point was just that people will take stuff like that and use it to justify attacking you when you are no 1.
And it didn't bother me at all. My point was just that people will take stuff like that and use it to justify attacking you when you are no 1.

No the point is that no one of note is doing this, yet you continue to bring it up. But what I really don't get is how this situation has anything to do with fans setting expectations too high.
who really cares. by then we can make a bigger deal of it and further exacerbate the rapidly growing larger than life legend that is CBP.

I heard she asked him to drinks back in Knoxville.

Great post BPV! Sounds postive, so I'm not sure where you were going with it. I bet you almost typed CPF instead of CBP. Keep it up and someone here will call you a Homer and maybe even an idiot or other choice words for such optimistic demonstrations of fan support. j/k...

Really, CBP deserves every complement he is getting. He is the real deal.:) It's absolutely amazing to see what he has done with UT basketball! Hope we can keep him on the Hill forever. His monument alongside CPF's and CPS's will be something to behold!

History... he and the 08 Vols are making it!
Well, when UF was riding high last year in winning actual national titles in both football and basketball, the negative posts from fans here was running about 5 to 1 over positive posts.

I'd say that my being a healthy skeptic is fair. Put it this way: I do think that UT totally deserves to be no 1 right now, that UT right now would be a 1 seed and maybe even THE 1 seed.

But as a fan whose own team spent about a decade failing to live up to expectations based on the regular season, I feel sometimes like very few on here understand that the tournament is a fresh new season and, other than the inchoate influence of seeding, you have no advantage over every other team taking the floor against you.

At this point, I just think the hype is getting dangerously close to drowning out the reality.

I don't see a lot of people saying we are going to win it all, even though I think we have just as good a shot as anyone. So I don't see where there is a tremendous amount of hype that is not grounded in some reality. We just went to the #1 team in the country, and beat them with a hell of a lot on the line. Was it the NCAA tournament? No. We aren't stupid, and do realize that the tournament is a whole other season. We also realize that Vanderbilt is a potential trap game. I think most of us here are a little nervous about how Tennessee will respond with the target on them. You don't have to remind us of this.
Well, when UF was riding high last year in winning actual national titles in both football and basketball, the negative posts from fans here was running about 5 to 1 over positive posts.

I'd say that my being a healthy skeptic is fair. Put it this way: I do think that UT totally deserves to be no 1 right now, that UT right now would be a 1 seed and maybe even THE 1 seed.

But as a fan whose own team spent about a decade failing to live up to expectations based on the regular season, I feel sometimes like very few on here understand that the tournament is a fresh new season and, other than the inchoate influence of seeding, you have no advantage over every other team taking the floor against you.

At this point, I just think the hype is getting dangerously close to drowning out the reality.

LG, do you want to concede 'flash in pan' status yet?
LG, do you want to concede 'flash in pan' status yet?

Says the guy whose team just found its way to the regular season #1 spot for the first time ever to the Gator fan whose team just won back-to-back national titles and is working off of nine straight NCAA tournament appearances.
I don't see a lot of people saying we are going to win it all, even though I think we have just as good a shot as anyone. So I don't see where there is a tremendous amount of hype that is not grounded in some reality. We just went to the #1 team in the country, and beat them with a hell of a lot on the line. Was it the NCAA tournament? No. We aren't stupid, and do realize that the tournament is a whole other season. We also realize that Vanderbilt is a potential trap game. I think most of us here are a little nervous about how Tennessee will respond with the target on them. You don't have to remind us of this.
Thats what he is here for. To constantly remind us all that the gators are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Also to put a nice spin on it to not offend everyone.:puke5:
I really liked you calling the spread the "You're F'ed offense"

Actually, I still think that was true, with one or two notable exceptions. The offense was not the problem for Florida last year. It was the defense that couldn't deliver.

But let's not go too far down this road today, Justin. Don't want to talk to much about the Gator football team lest I be accused of trying to divert attention away from your basketball team's success.
Says the guy whose team just found its way to the regular season #1 spot for the first time ever to the Gator fan whose team just won back-to-back national titles and is working off of nine straight NCAA tournament appearances.

Just living in the present. Too bad you're stuck in the past.:) Oh well... maybe next year for the Gators, but I doubt it. The flash is over, baby!

BTW, technically, I'm a long-time Heels BB fan, but I could come back around to the Vols with all this winning lately...and Pearl is a class act. He's the real deal. Get used to it as long as the Vols can keep him.

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