Well to be fair, this kind of recruiting success this short is a suprise from a HC that is 0-0. I know you hate me saying that here, but it's true...all the big name coaches today had to earned their stripes years before they started landing Div 1 jobs.
Urban, Saban, Miles, Spurrier, Carrol, the Vest, all started in humble beginnings...had several jobs before they got a big time gig.. Head Coached other places before the SEC. Richt is the one that stands out...he went from Asst to HC at UGA...a huge Div 1 gig... He has done a great job
Kiffin went straight the top at 33...It's unheard of,,,,so other fans are very surprised and have somewhat of a "what are they telling these kids?" attitude.
You have a good recruiting staff, but it still comes down to Kiffin to lead in the long run.. we are going to find out soon enough... got to give it 3 seasons first...
I just watched some highlights of Bryce and I am not kidding when I say He runs like a young Bo Jackson...And I would go as far to say he is FASTER than Bo was...Or appears to be....Great breakaway speed...Him and Oku are going to be dynamite to watch...He did say him and Oku speak almost daily and he is more like a brother to him than a friend...Now that's a great sign right there...Things are going to get better on Rocky top...Just don't expect it all in one year lol
I felt the same way when i first saw his tape on potentialplayers.com. I don't know if he will be as good as Bo was, but thats who he reminded me of because he just looks bigger and faster than everybody else.
The rankings still don't mean everything, but my God does this look (+feel) really good:
So Bryce didn't think UT was the place for him but he got a sign from God that told him it was...
Apparently God isn't only on Richts side
Just got on and siked about the news.... Is there any website i can see like a video recap of the press conference or something?
Do you know of a link to where I can watch the announcement??