First post...long time observer. I have been following this saga for awhile now for both news, updates, and entertainment. More often than not...the entertainment. The facebook thing is comical. If there is a would be the negative/disparaging comments made about LPE and her moral behavior. I don't think anybody really knows what, if anything, happened and to assume the worst....well, that is not a good practice.
Remember, BB is no longer in HS. He graduated in December and is working out and making a decision. If by chance he browses this board, and sees the comments made about someone he may or may not have an interest in, how did THAT help UT's chances?
Yes, I am on FB. I am 40 and not a stalker. I use it to keep up with former players, friends, and college and high school classmates. When all of this about BB blew up, I did add him. No, I have never posted on "his wall." We have had a couple of IM conversations and he comes across as very mature and intelligent. Much more so than some of the lunatic fringe that has begun stalking him and talking about him here.
Let's all hope that the 1% of people that have acted unwisely don't harm our chances at signing this talent. Nothing would make me happier than to see him in our backfield, but realistically, life will go on if he goes elsewhere. I'm just glad UGA is not an option for him. I am SICK of losing recruits and having to hear about it from people I live around.
One final note, would the A$$ clown from Oregon please go find another way to spend his time. From an observationist point of view, you sir, come across as a closed minded, unrealistic, college football novice. Your program is decent for what it is. A 2nd or 3rd team in the SLACK 10. We think your uniforms are different, sometimes cool, but I highly doubt that you will ever be a consistent threat on a national level. I had to suffer through watching your "Heisman" candidate lead our NFL team to disparity. I prefer not to read about your perception on a UT message board. Go harass the U for awhile.