Bryce Brown (CLOSED)

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From guy who broke Nu'Keese Richardson commitment:
"After speaking with my two sources in SW KS (Garden City) I will now officially tell you that Bryce Brown will be a Tennessee Vol."

That's awesome if true...

But I will say that IF it's true then why wait?

If it's true to the extent that we can all mark it down as fact then what's keeping Brown from signing an LOI right now?

That's why I take it with a grain of salt and refuse to believe it until he signs on the dotted line
From guy who broke Nu'Keese Richardson commitment:
"After speaking with my two sources in SW KS (Garden City) I will now officially tell you that Bryce Brown will be a Tennessee Vol."

"All you idiots better keep this on the GQ. This news stays here."

Hypocrite, much?
"All you idiots better keep this on the GQ. This news stays here."

Hypocrite, much?

Looks that way, but I meant keep it between Tennessee fans only. Nothing but trouble occurrs when people bring that type of news to the Rivals main board. I can see why you thought that though.
First post...long time observer. I have been following this saga for awhile now for both news, updates, and entertainment. More often than not...the entertainment. The facebook thing is comical. If there is a would be the negative/disparaging comments made about LPE and her moral behavior. I don't think anybody really knows what, if anything, happened and to assume the worst....well, that is not a good practice.

Remember, BB is no longer in HS. He graduated in December and is working out and making a decision. If by chance he browses this board, and sees the comments made about someone he may or may not have an interest in, how did THAT help UT's chances?

Yes, I am on FB. I am 40 and not a stalker. I use it to keep up with former players, friends, and college and high school classmates. When all of this about BB blew up, I did add him. No, I have never posted on "his wall." We have had a couple of IM conversations and he comes across as very mature and intelligent. Much more so than some of the lunatic fringe that has begun stalking him and talking about him here.

Let's all hope that the 1% of people that have acted unwisely don't harm our chances at signing this talent. Nothing would make me happier than to see him in our backfield, but realistically, life will go on if he goes elsewhere. I'm just glad UGA is not an option for him. I am SICK of losing recruits and having to hear about it from people I live around.

One final note, would the A$$ clown from Oregon please go find another way to spend his time. From an observationist point of view, you sir, come across as a closed minded, unrealistic, college football novice. Your program is decent for what it is. A 2nd or 3rd team in the SLACK 10. We think your uniforms are different, sometimes cool, but I highly doubt that you will ever be a consistent threat on a national level. I had to suffer through watching your "Heisman" candidate lead our NFL team to disparity. I prefer not to read about your perception on a UT message board. Go harass the U for awhile.
Guys, I just want to point out that more and more reports are coming in about BB coming to the Hill. It seems as though the word is leaking out. I just cant bring myself to believe it, but I cant help but notice that word seems to be getting around.
My track record speaks for itself...Told this board exactly how Kiffin would be hired one week before it happened. From when it would be leaked and when the press conference would be.

Giles...told you he would not be a Vol.

Nuke - Even as ESPNU was reporting him to UF and I was hated worse than Fulmer on this board I never once backed off.

So don't ask me how my sources KNOW.

this is from the guy calling it
Guys, I just want to point out that more and more reports are coming in about BB coming to the Hill. It seems as though the word is leaking out. I just cant bring myself to believe it, but I cant help but notice that word seems to be getting around.

where is it leaking from...i'm positive you have better sources than me (volnation is my only source) so any scraps of knowledge that you could toss my way would be much appreciated.
One final note, would the A$$ clown from Oregon please go find another way to spend his time. From an observationist point of view, you sir, come across as a closed minded, unrealistic, college football novice. Your program is decent for what it is. A 2nd or 3rd team in the SLACK 10. We think your uniforms are different, sometimes cool, but I highly doubt that you will ever be a consistent threat on a national level. I had to suffer through watching your "Heisman" candidate lead our NFL team to disparity. I prefer not to read about your perception on a UT message board. Go harass the U for awhile.

Ancient Facebooker, please stop trolling the board with off-topic flames. PM me with your concerns and we can take it from there.

Yes, I am on FB. I am 40 and not a stalker. I use it to keep up with former players, friends, and college and high school classmates. When all of this about BB blew up, I did add him. No, I have never posted on "his wall." We have had a couple of IM conversations and he comes across as very mature and intelligent. Much more so than some of the lunatic fringe that has begun stalking him and talking about him here.


A little creepy, and slightly hypocritical.

Welcome to the board!
this is from the guy calling it

Im wearing orange colored glasses and I think it would be one of the biggest coups in the history of recruiting if we pull in Brown. If and when it happens what I want to hear is the reason why. I want to know what sold him on a team that is trying to rise out of the ashes. Was it the tradition? Doubt it. Was it CLK and the all star staff? Im hoping so. Was it a chick? I hope not. That is gonna be a helluva press conference!
hahahaha the pot just officially called the kettle black

The POT typically DOES. And I believe a large majority of my post was ON TOPIC. It related to BB and the scary FB stalking that many here have called out. Initially when I contacted him it was out of curiosity. I have never encouraged him to attend UT, to tell me what he is leaning towards, or about his personal relationships. We talked at length about the loss of his family member and his faith. I was more interested in the man rather than his destination (at least for the next 4 years).

And being 40 and being on FB is not a bad thing. I have coached for 15 years at various places and it has allowed former players and I to maintain contact and for me to see their families and their children. It is a great tool when it is used appropriately. Now if you are 40 and on MYSPACE...well then you may have issues.
Good Lord I hope this is true. I wonder if the leak has anything to do with a certain decision making process/announcement we're also all waiting on.
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