OK, I have talked to Hubbs and he isn't write a story til later on after he tries to get some quotes, so I figured I'd post some info here and try and answer some questions. Please respect that there are some things I'm not going to answer, but I'll do my best to give all the info I have.
Also, there's a lot of info I'll post after the dotted line is signed, it's not derogatory, but I'll just feel more comfortable about some of it then.
Bryce was at TCU yesterday to visit a friend of his from PP.com. He left TCU and headed to Dallas to take a late flight from DFW to Atlanta. He arrived in Atlanta and txt'd me at roughly midnight, letting me know he was spending the night and would be driving up today.
Also, yesterday was filled with a flurry of activity with all the news outlets reporting that Bryce was not coming. Jeremy Crabtree put out the quote he did, Hyams put out his and the KNS put their out. Through all that, Bryce maintained to me that he was coming, and I got the impression that those things are things his camp wanted to happen.
Today, Bryce text me to let me know he was in town, at the hotel about 2:00 PM. At that time, he let me know he'd be "in a meeting" at 4:30, which between Hubbs and myself, determined that would actually be the team meeting.
As far as the parents. From what I understand, they were not able to get away from work or prior arrangements and Butler coming alone with him would have looked really, really bad. Since the tickets were already bought and paid for, Bryce has a friend along with him. No idea who he is, nor is it my business. I also, due partly to my own speculation, am under the impression Bryce has the full support of his parents no matter where he chooses, even though they have not been on a visit to UT. It was insinuated to me that there is no plan for the parents to join him at any time this weekend. The parents have met Coach Kiffin and Coach Chaney and they both like those coaches a lot.
Feel free to ask other questions if you have them. I'm very tired so it's all running together, but I'll answer them the best I can, if I can