Burning Red Shirts

Jones is on track to turn this in a few years with recruiting. If fans want to start over with another coach in 3-4 years, they will be impatient. Tennessee is just not talented enough to compete for at least two years. doesn't matter who the QB is. Put the freshman in and you risk destroying their future by destroying their confidence. bring them along slowly and maybe, just maybe, they are the ones that flip this thing in 2015 or 2016..
I appreciate your interjection of reason here. It's quite lacking on this board.
peterman needs to start next week or we will put up another single digit effort. and yes i know we had 14 yesterday but that was garbage time

Yeah, and the 7 from Peterman was in that garbage time. Look, he may end up starting, but you don't throw him into it against Florida. Geez.
They have been recruiting QBs but could not get one as good as what they have. The freshman are not ready yet and not as good as the two ahead of them. Coach is trying to win games

He didn't say they were terrible, but no where near ready for the gauntlet of the SEC. I would say they are searching, but finding someone to be SEC elite is hit and miss at best, especially without a great running game.

No! Do not throw in RF or JD at this point. Let the receiving core develop another year, and let the O-line acclimate to Offensive scheme. We also need a consistent 'North and South' running game.

Right now, the entire Offense cannot consistently control the line of scrimmage or the tempo of the game - even against WKU. Playing a team like Oregon exposed this to those who didn't see it in game 1 and to some degree in game 2.

Knee-jerking to burn a redshirt is not the answer right now. The whole team needs to develop. We are now where Mississippi State was a year ago - the first thing the team has to do is believe and buy into the system because that's all we've got.
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Yeah, and the 7 from Peterman was in that garbage time. Look, he may end up starting, but you don't throw him into it against Florida. Geez.

why? so we can watch worley lead our offense to not scoring again? if oregon didnt have that busted coverage we would not have scored with him in the game. not to mention he missed multiple open receivers. why should we leave worley in to watch him throw for 100 yards 0 tds and 0 ints?
they could end up better in the long run but are not close to the other two yet.. score would have been much worse yesterday with other QBs taking Worley snaps

If they re not close to what we have fielded so far he wont have a decent QB until the 2015 season, thats if he gets a legit prospect next year.

We got beat by 45 going away against a team that could have put up 80 either way. If your gonna struggle do it with your future.
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Peterman must really look bad in practice if he can't get any meaningful playing time with the way Worley has struggled.
If they re not close to what we have fielded so far he wont have a decent QB until the 2015 season, thats if he gets a legit prospect next year.

We got beat by 45 going away against a team that could have put up 80 either way. If your gonna struggle do it with your future.

If we start treating this year like 2008, then we deserve to struggle the rest of the year.
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If they re not close to what we have fielded so far he wont have a decent QB until the 2015 season, thats if he gets a legit prospect next year.

We got beat by 45 going away against a team that could have put up 80 either way. If your gonna struggle do it with your future.

they played 9 walk-ons against the # 2 team in the nation plus a big number of true freshmen.

that was the reasons for the beat down, not QB play
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They have been recruiting QBs but could not get one as good as what they have. The freshman are not ready yet and not as good as the two ahead of them. Coach is trying to win games

What that tells me is that we completely missed on evaluations for all four quarterbacks. Either that or we have no one who can develop them.

In any case, no one is going to believe our qbs are all four that bad until they see it with their own eyes. Rightly or wrongly that is just how fans are.
What that tells me is that we completely missed on evaluations for all four quarterbacks. Either that or we have no one who can develop them.

In any case, no one is going to believe our qbs are all four that bad until they see it with their own eyes. Rightly or wrongly that is just how fans are.

I agree.
they played 9 walk-ons against the # 2 team in the nation plus a big number of true freshmen.

that was the reasons for the beat down, not QB play

We would have lost that game big with Peyton Manning. Doesn't change the fact that QB play was bad.
When asked if he considered putting in either freshman QB, Butch said bluntly, No. It is my understanding that when one speaks of playing the freshmen, the common chorus responds "don't burn their red shirts." But say one of these kids is a gamer and turns out to be good as a freshman and eventually very good. How long will a very good QB stay in college? My bet is that if he is very good it is doubtful he will stay 3 or 4 years. I seriously doubt a very good college QB stays 5 years. Now, if they wind up being mediocre wouldn't we want to try to find a better option in the next 5 years?

In other words, it seems QB may be a bit different than other positions. Just take Tyler Bray, he wasn't great but he was pretty good and he was gone as quick as possible.

Plus, Butch must think these Freshman are pretty good bc he is not recruiting a QB this year.

Spoken like a person who understands nothing about rebuilding a football program.
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they played 9 walk-ons against the # 2 team in the nation plus a big number of true freshmen.

that was the reasons for the beat down, not QB play
Who is saying that Worley was the sole reason we lost by 45?

He does have a big hand in why we cant move the ball however. If you want to continue to gloss over that go ahead. I aint buyin.
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I'm not saying Worley is a world beater, but he was going against the #2 team in the nation with a WR corps that had a true freshman that was playing against CAK's competition this time last year (no offense CAK'ers). Hate to sound like Phil but let's look at the film first.
Peterman must really look bad in practice if he can't get any meaningful playing time with the way Worley has struggled.
My thoughts exactly. Not encouraging.. I mean Worley just can't make the throws.. He's showed us for 3 straight games..
Patience is hard for this crowd.

Its been years bro. They have been pretty patient. It runs out after about 7 years of let downs. 0/20 against ranked teams. Lucky people still come and also buy apperal.

they played 9 walk-ons against the # 2 team in the nation plus a big number of true freshmen.

that was the reasons for the beat down, not QB play

That is short sighted thinking at best. When you're giving the ball back to Oregon with the regularity that we did yesterday, with our lack of depth and overall talent, that's what killed us. And make no mistake, all of our problems on offense stem from the fact that Worley can't hit open receivers with any regularity.

We don't need a Tyler Bray, we just need someone who can a 5 yard out 90 percent of the time it's thrown, and can hit a pass 15 yards downfield with a DB in the area. That alone will take the heat off of the run game, add in the fact that Peterman can get 4-5-6 yards if he needs it and that adds another dimension to defend which also opens up the run game. You can't run this offense one dimensionally, you just can't. This version of the spread, hell any version of the spread requires you to be able to use the entire field. Right now we are only consistently using a third of it.

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