Burning Red Shirts

Jones is on track to turn this in a few years with recruiting. If fans want to start over with another coach in 3-4 years, they will be impatient. Tennessee is just not talented enough to compete for at least two years. doesn't matter who the QB is. Put the freshman in and you risk destroying their future by destroying their confidence. bring them along slowly and maybe, just maybe, they are the ones that flip this thing in 2015 or 2016..

People seem to forget what a basket case Ainge became after he lost his confidence during the 2005 season and it took Cut coming back to get him close to his potential.
If we start treating this year like 2008, then we deserve to struggle the rest of the year.

All 3 QBs from that year ended up on NFL rosters briefly. Good thing we didn't give up on 2 of them because they looked bad as freshman.
why? so we can watch worley lead our offense to not scoring again? if oregon didnt have that busted coverage we would not have scored with him in the game. not to mention he missed multiple open receivers. why should we leave worley in to watch him throw for 100 yards 0 tds and 0 ints?

Here's the deal. I'm a fan. I've never coached football at any meaningful level. I suspect the same goes for the overwhelming majority on this board. That said, I trust the coaches' evaluation of the players. They know how well they know and execute the play book. All we see is the game day performance, which had Worley struggling, but Peterman coming in and looking good long after the game was decided. I'm sorry, but that doesn't give you enough information to say Peterman should start. He (or someone else) will, when the coaches think he gives them the best chance to win.
Who is saying that Worley was the sole reason we lost by 45?

He does have a big hand in why we cant move the ball however. If you want to continue to gloss over that go ahead. I aint buyin.

lot of people focusing on QB play. He is not playing great but is that him or the talent around him?? I'm hearing a lot of chatter about WRs.. even not being great he is better than any others at this point

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