The only reason you hear is whatever supports the Republican party.
No, I criticize those who deserve it in both parties. That is why I say government has failed us. The main reason I believe the republican party has failed me is because they have gone too far away from conservative principles. Even if there were true conservatives in power many of them would still be in need of criticism every now and then.
You need to go back and read most of your posts in the last month, you sound more like a Bush apologist then anything.
I've said numerous times I voted for Bush.
Not my point. For example, in the thread about the mortgage crisis - you labeled any suggestion that Dems in Congress had a role as "Bush apologist". Clearly, an objective view of the situation sees blame across many from both parties but your premise was that it was W's alone. That's why I say your views can be extreme.
I don't think a minority party in Congress is going to drive the passage of any legislation, they simply don't have the votes to do that.
Furthermore a Democratic U.S. Represenative, who is most famous for running a prostitution ring out of his home, is not going to be the leader of any significant legislation. He's a joke, if he was from any other state he would have been voted out years ago.
Bush appointed the head of the Fed, the FDIC, and campaigned on increasing home ownership throughout his relection. He even fired the guy who headed up the watch agency for Freddie and Fannie for writing a report and publicly speaking on his fear that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble. The signs were there Bush ignored them.