Butch angers HS coach in SC

Yikes... Probably won't make or break us, but I don't like bad press..

On a side note, Temple got a little treat, and they're actually putting together a decent class for 2014. Good luck to Jabo Lee.
Interesting article regarding UT's handling of Jabo Lee. Sounds like we dropped the ball on communicating the issue and as a result has pissed off the HS coach of Lee. It is a top recruiting school in SC. Hopefully this will blow over soon and Butch can repair the damage.

Tennessee's Butch Jones angers high school coach | College Recruiting Blog | www.ajc.com

As you know, we are not in good standing with our academics lately. We can not afford to have another high risk athlete on the team. Remember, according to the various news agencies, we are in danger of not being eligible for a bowl game in 2015, if we don't get in better standing academically.

Also, Jabo had an ACL injury! Another factor that would make him a risk.

Also, Jay Graham was interested in him before Paulk became interested in U.T.

So, (1) He is an academic risk (2) He is coming off of an ACL injury (3) The current staff over recruited him by getting Paulk...

So, it is a no brainer that he not go to U.T....
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What the hell ever. It took Jabo forever and a day to qualify at the 11th hour. Our staff helps the kid get to play college at Temple and his HS coach is upset? Maybe he should've put more energy into helping Jabo to make sure he qualified in the first place.
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Without reading the article. I'd say Jabo Lee dropped the ball. He let it come down to the wire. While it sucks and doesn't make UT look good at all, is it still not Jabo's responsibility to make the grades? Just my $0.02.
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I think the coach needs to directly talk to CBJ instead of calling the media, one thing was note in this article that Jabo Lee ACL was not on rehab pace. I'm sure this is just one of many false statements Jabo has made along the way, and it was probably time to cut the ties.
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This sort of h.s. coach so typical...won't emphasize grades & personal responsibility, yet moans when his own ego is bruised in a case like this. Lame.
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I think this guy is lucky he got out of going to UT. He was heading to ECU when we missed out on other guys. We then offered him. He wasn't going to beat Neal and Lane this year and next year we have guys coming in that are wanted by every major program. He would haven't gotten caught in a Neal/Lane-Hurd/Paulk sandwich.

I hope he does well at Temple.
This sounds like an internal mess and divide between our ATH dept and Academic dept.
It sounds like a lot of you guys looking at this with your orange tinted glasses. IMO Butch realized that he had already over recruited Lee. And I see two good signs from this.
1. Butch is not afraid to tell a kid sorry but its not going to workout.

2.Hes willing to do things(like this as an example) to win.
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We certainly don't want to burn any bridges here. However, I hope that this situation can be resolved with more class than the way it was communicated. We haven't heard the whole story.
This too shall pass. CBJ will be here a long time, with a long time to mend fences.
What the hell ever. It took Jabo forever and a day to qualify at the 11th hour. Our staff helps the kid get to play college at Temple and his HS coach is upset? Maybe he should've put more energy into helping Jabo to make sure he qualified in the first place.

1. Butch is not afraid to tell a kid sorry but its not going to workout.

2.Hes willing to do things(like this as an example) to win.

Actually it sounds like Butch is not willing to tell a kid he is no longer wanted.

2. If Butch told this kid all he had to do is "make the test score" then Butch should live with his choice.
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What the hell ever. It took Jabo forever and a day to qualify at the 11th hour. Our staff helps the kid get to play college at Temple and his HS coach is upset? Maybe he should've put more energy into helping Jabo to make sure he qualified in the first place.

Tennessee's Butch Jones angers high school coach | College Recruiting Blog | www.ajc.com

but Hayes said, “There wouldn’t be no use for (Tennessee recruiters) to come back to Dillon.”

Guess there "wouldn't be no use" in helping a kid qualify. You nailed it KB!
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His HS coach will cool off & rethink things through seeing that some how it's Jabo Lee & his parents that carry the burden of him making poor grades to qualify enrollment. TN did all they could for the young man even getting him into Temple. Good luck at Temple young man. Number one priority for Jabo Lee is keeping his grades up so he can eventually maybe get a degree from Temple. Life is not only about football but an education he can use later on when he hangs those cleats up for good.
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What if the administrator called the kid before Butch became aware of the situation? I mean, do we really have anything from Butch on this?

For all I know, what we have here is a HS coach who is enjoying a temporary power position because he has a high profile recruit, and a journalist is taking advantage of the situation by writing a sensationalist article to drive click-through revenue.
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Actually it sounds like Butch is not willing to tell a kid he is no longer wanted.

2. If Butch told this kid all he had to do is "make the test score" then Butch should live with his choice.

Really!!! This from a Bammer....Really!!! Alrighty then.
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Actually it sounds like Butch is not willing to tell a kid he is no longer wanted.

2. If Butch told this kid all he had to do is "make the test score" then Butch should live with his choice.


yeah..because Saban has never done that...right?
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