Butch angers HS coach in SC

I left a comment on the article...it seems like the coach would understand that by preventing TN recruiters he isn't hurting TN, he is hurting his players chances at getting a college scholarship...if Jabo would have gotten his grades together sooner than later, we wouldn't be having this convo...
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I'd bet Butch calls the coach later on and has this thing smoothed over before the season starts. And for our Bama friend posting in this thread. Does he honestly believe that Saban does his own dirty work like the man they believe that he is? Saban has neither the charisma nor the tact IMHO to deliver this kind of info to a recruit or his coach.
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As you know, we are not in good standing with our academics lately. We can not afford to have another high risk athlete on the team. Remember, according to the various news agencies, we are in danger of not being eligible for a bowl game in 2015, if we don't get in better standing academically.

Also, Jabo had an ACL injury! Another factor that would make him a risk.

Also, Jay Graham was interested in him before Paulk became interested in U.T.

So, (1) He is an academic risk (2) He is coming off of an ACL injury (3) The current staff over recruited him by getting Paulk...

So, it is a no brainer that he not go to U.T....
Maybe you haven't actually read the article... The point of the article is to point out that the situation was not handled properly. Period, end of story. It has nothing to do with Jabo's eligibility, but how UT / Butch handled the situation. HS coaches have a lot of control over recruiting. The last thing we want to do is upset one. I'm sure there was no intent and Butch will learn his lesson.
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I think the coach needs to directly talk to CBJ instead of calling the media, one thing was note in this article that Jabo Lee ACL was not on rehab pace. I'm sure this is just one of many false statements Jabo has made along the way, and it was probably time to cut the ties.

Agreed - looking for his 15 minutes of fame.
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I left a comment on the article...it seems like the coach would understand that by preventing TN recruiters he isn't hurting TN, he is hurting his players chances at getting a college scholarship...if Jabo would have gotten his grades together sooner than later, we wouldn't be having this convo...

Lol....... if the player from his school has an offer from Tennessee he likely will have offers from 20 other d1 schools. And what does "he should of got his grades together sooner" have anything to do with it. He graduated in Dec. we knew what his grades looked like and still recruited him.
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I don't think anyone will dispute this falls back on Jabo. The only issue is how it was handled. Butch should have had a conversation with him and told him the school could not admit him.

In the end, probably not a big deal and the damage will be repaired with the HS coach..

I'm sure a lot of this is Butch has got a ton of positive press lately, and somebody wants to bring him down a notch. Maybe the 'ol ball coach paid off the HS coach.
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I'd bet Butch calls the coach later on and has this thing smoothed over before the season starts. And for our Bama friend posting in this thread. Does he honestly believe that Saban does his own dirty work like the man they believe that he is? Saban has neither the charisma nor the tact IMHO to deliver this kind of info to a recruit or his coach.

Nick and Butch need neither charisma or tact. A backbone would have to be a priority though.
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Lol....... if the player from his school has an offer from Tennessee he likely will have offers from 20 other d1 schools. And what does "he should of got his grades together sooner" have anything to do with it. He graduated in Dec. we knew what his grades looked like and still recruited him.

He may have 20 D1 offers, but who says those are from the same quality as TN...could be that kid wants to go to TN...why prevent him...maybe Jabo should've gotten his Test scores higher sooner than later...does that help o wise one...u ****ing douchebag
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Actually it sounds like Butch is not willing to tell a kid he is no longer wanted.

2. If Butch told this kid all he had to do is "make the test score" then Butch should live with his choice.

I really don't care what you think. Please crawl back into Saban's manhole and stop trolling our awesome website that is VOLNATION.
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He may have 20 D1 offers, but who says those are from the same quality as TN...could be that kid wants to go to TN...why prevent him...maybe Jabo should've gotten his Test scores higher sooner than later...does that help o wise one...u ****ing douchebag

Just curious what your test scores and grades were, o wise one BOC32????
This has to be a joke or something. This coach acts as if his high school is the end all be all of high school talent. I'm not for burning bridges but gez of peat it's friggin high school let alone college Jabo can't pass. Add bad knees to the equation and that's all she wrote.
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Well his high school isn't the only high school in SC. There are others and other from SC will come to UT
This has to be a joke or something. This coach acts as if his high school is the end all be all of high school talent. I'm not for burning bridges but gez of peat it's friggin high school let alone college Jabo can't pass. Add bad knees to the equation and that's all she wrote.

Do you have trouble with reading comprehension, or are you simply blinded by the orange-tinted glasses that you have been wearing since Kif got here? Per the article, this kid GRADUATED from high school in December. That means that he passed his classes. Curious why you nevertheless say "it's friggin high school let alone college Jabo can't pass". Please explain why you feel the need to publish false statements about this kid. Thanks!
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He may have 20 D1 offers, but who says those are from the same quality as TN...could be that kid wants to go to TN...why prevent him...maybe Jabo should've gotten his Test scores higher sooner than later...does that help o wise one...u ****ing douchebag

Then why recuit him and waste his time? They knew all of this before they offered a scholly, also they told him all he had to do was make a test score and he did.

Looks like we dropped the ball on this. I would be highly offended too.

i agree with what you have said,if he was offered and met the requirements,CBJ probably should have kept his end of the deal and it will hurt in recruiting in SC,of course there is probably a lot not known on what went on behind the scenes

this part is disturbing too

"What really upsets Hayes and others is the lack of communication from head coach Butch Jones or Tennessee’s new running backs coach. Hayes said the only person he heard from was an administrator in Tennessee’s football office"
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Do you have trouble with reading comprehension, or are you simply blinded by the orange-tinted glasses that you have been wearing since Kif got here? Per the article, this kid GRADUATED from high school in December. That means that he passed his classes. Curious why you nevertheless say "it's friggin high school let alone college Jabo can't pass". Please explain why you feel the need to publish false statements about this kid. Thanks!

You must be the only person that doesn't realize this kid couldn't pass his ACT till about a month ago. D's get degrees but doesn't mean it's going to get me into grad school etc.
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As you know, we are not in good standing with our academics lately. We can not afford to have another high risk athlete on the team. Remember, according to the various news agencies, we are in danger of not being eligible for a bowl game in 2015, if we don't get in better standing academically.

Also, Jabo had an ACL injury! Another factor that would make him a risk.

Also, Jay Graham was interested in him before Paulk became interested in U.T.

So, (1) He is an academic risk (2) He is coming off of an ACL injury (3) The current staff over recruited him by getting Paulk...

So, it is a no brainer that he not go to U.T....

To my understanding, Jabo is NOT coming off an ACL injury. He HAS an ACL injury that needs to be surgically repaired. I wonder how long he has had this injury. I find it disturbing that a promising young running back has been walking around for God only knows how long with this not being taken care of. This is suppose to be one of South Carolina's better HS programs. We have Class A programs here in Tennessee that know to get such injuries evaluated and treated.

I thought it was understood that when you are committed to a program, if you get an injury, you are suppose to disclose that. Did Jabo not know he had this injury? Did Coach Jackie Hayes know? Was he playing on it during his senior season? Personally, I think the Tennessee program has much more to be upset about that than Hayes does.

As to the academic issues, Jay Graham may have not his due diligence in evaluating this kid. He certainly didn't find out anything about this young man's ability to handle a class load. Jabo's last shot at passing the test had to be read to him. He may have an undiagnosed learning disability, or need to be in a reading comprehension program.

Hopefully, Jabo will be fine at Temple. I wish him well, because I was really looking forward to seeing him playing for the Vols. However, since I know the Satterfield family, I know Marcus will take good care of him.

In closing, coach Hayes needs to calm down. Tennessee did everything they could for him. And maybe, just maybe, since he has been around Jabo for a few years, he could have done more for him at a student as well as a player.
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Perhaps Butch Jones has a different take on this kids story, we should hear his side prior to making judgement.
Nick and Butch need neither charisma or tact. A backbone would have to be a priority though.

It is easy to have a backbone when your team is so stacked with talent that your 3rd stringers would start at any other team, and we all know how ($) your school got all that talent. :hi:
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You must be the only person that doesn't realize this kid couldn't pass his ACT till about a month ago. D's get degrees but doesn't mean it's going to get me into grad school etc.

But he did get the ACT score which, according to his high school coach, was the key to acceptance of Butch's offer. If Butch reneged, it is sad.
wtf does "grad school" have to do with anything??
I understand that you want to stick up for Big Orange, but if that requires making false statements about high school kids, maybe you should rethink your priorities.
Love your avi!
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None if us knows what really happened, but I believe if Lee met the agreed upon standard and we failed to honor that agreement, that is not right. Based on his twitter talk (I know, ridiculous) he obviously thought he had done what was asked of him.

I trust CBJ has integrity and character and hope we didn't mislead this kid and pulled his offer at the last minute. I would be interested to hear his side of the story. Perhaps booger eater stepped in made a decision outside of the staff. This just doesn't coincide with the behaviors and class this staff has exhibited thus far.
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