Butch angers HS coach in SC

It sounds like a lot of you guys looking at this with your orange tinted glasses. IMO Butch realized that he had already over recruited Lee. And I see two good signs from this.
1. Butch is not afraid to tell a kid sorry but its not going to workout.

2.Hes willing to do things(like this as an example) to win.

Dude, you are about as wrong as you can be.

1.) Recruits cannot help us this year! We need help NOW! Jabo was recruited to help UT NOW! It had absolutely nothing to do with next year's recruits!

2.) Jabo is damaged goods! He has bad knees and this was something that our staff didn't know at the time. At least not to the degree that they really are.

3.) Jabo is also an academic risk. It's one thing to qualify to get into UT, it's quite another to have confidence that you will stay qualified and with our team's GPA as borderline as it is already, we cannot afford to take such academic risks at this time because it could cost us a bowl ban!

4.) UT HELPED Jabo find another place to play! It's not like we just said "well, sorry Jabo! Good luck! Hope you land on your feet." No we took care of the kid!

I'm sorry that his head coach is mad but it sounds to me like he is letting his emotions and tendency to defend his player overshadow the reality of the situation. If wants to be mad, he should be mad at himself for not making sure Jabo was where he needed to be academically in the first place.
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Actually it sounds like Butch is not willing to tell a kid he is no longer wanted.

2. If Butch told this kid all he had to do is "make the test score" then Butch should live with his choice.

maybe we can give him a Neyland scholarship to where he and others get to be on the team on scholarship to help teammates get better, but not count against the number.
Makes sense.
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I love how some HS coaches think they can control their players thoughts and ambitions to go to a certain school. Get off your high horse and quit dabbling in affairs that are none of your business. I wish Jabo all the luck in the world but this coach is ridiculous for some of the statments he is making. Go vols
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So the big paper in Atlanta is writing a less than favorable piece on Butch and we're all surprised?
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Dude, you are about as wrong as you can be.

1.) Recruits cannot help us this year! We need help NOW! Jabo was recruited to help UT NOW! It had absolutely nothing to do with next year's recruits!

2.) Jabo is damaged goods! He has bad knees and this was something that our staff didn't know at the time. At least not to the degree that they really are.

3.) Jabo is also an academic risk. It's one thing to qualify to get into UT, it's quite another to have confidence that you will stay qualified and with our team's GPA as borderline as it is already, we cannot afford to take such academic risks at this time because it could cost us a bowl ban!

4.) UT HELPED Jabo find another place to play! It's not like we just said "well, sorry Jabo! Good luck! Hope you land on your feet." No we took care of the kid!

I'm sorry that his head coach is mad but it sounds to me like he is letting his emotions and tendency to defend his player overshadow the reality of the situation. If wants to be mad, he should be mad at himself for not making sure Jabo was where he needed to be academically in the first place.

So you look the kid in the eye and you give him the bad news. But you look the kid in the eye.
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Jabo had nothing but good things to say about us in his local paper when we parted ways. We even found him a place at Temple which hell, how many programs go so far as to find a kid a four-year program near where he's from to play ball?

Yet now this coach comes in seeking the spotlight and blaming the current staff even though he knows full well that Jay Graham who recruited Jabo isn't on staff anymore and hasn't been for a while? I think Jabo Lee is a class act and I wish he'd have made it in but it sounds as though the coach either wants something or is trying to shift attention away from something he might've been responsible for. Or heck, for all we know the coach is being taken out of context. That does happen.
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I'd like to encourage everyone -from now on- to look past the words in an article (especially the neg articles on Head Coach Butch Jones, the nations #1 Recruiter) and look at the who, what, why behind the article. Article Author was Michael Carvell, Atlanta Journal in ATLANTA, GEORGIA

Here are recent articles by Michael Carvell:
"Notebook: This and that on UGA, Georgia Tech"
"Cousin of former QB Joe Hamilton picks Georgia Tech"
"Florida OL picks Georgia Tech over SEC school"
"Top DB on University of Georgia vs. South Carolina?"
"Kendall Baker: UGA DL commit courted by Auburn and FSU"

Do you think someone would like Butch Jones to BACK OFF on the heavy recruiting? Also, what happens to others when they are on the cover of Sports Illustrated? A new media target maybe? GO VOLS !!
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Good God. We're getting lectures on how to tell kids they're not wanted by Bama guy.

Sounds more like a lane kiffin, actually.

But whoever, man up. It will be one of the classes the coaches will be insisting on when they get on campus. Be what you want these kids to be.
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Kid barely qualified, and who knows if he would have maintained his grades. And talent wise...he would have been planted on the bench next to Tom Smith.
Dude, you are about as wrong as you can be.

1.) Recruits cannot help us this year! We need help NOW! Jabo was recruited to help UT NOW! It had absolutely nothing to do with next year's recruits!

2.) Jabo is damaged goods! He has bad knees and this was something that our staff didn't know at the time. At least not to the degree that they really are.

3.) Jabo is also an academic risk. It's one thing to qualify to get into UT, it's quite another to have confidence that you will stay qualified and with our team's GPA as borderline as it is already, we cannot afford to take such academic risks at this time because it could cost us a bowl ban!

4.) UT HELPED Jabo find another place to play! It's not like we just said "well, sorry Jabo! Good luck! Hope you land on your feet." No we took care of the kid!

I'm sorry that his head coach is mad but it sounds to me like he is letting his emotions and tendency to defend his player overshadow the reality of the situation. If wants to be mad, he should be mad at himself for not making sure Jabo was where he needed to be academically in the first place.

He would have been 4th on the depth chart at best. If we ever want a speed guy/scat back we can just use young, pig, etc. I think the only reason the staff picked him up was b/c of the uncertainty with Lane but once they knew Lane was coming back, And that they've already recruited over him they did the right thing by getting him to Temple. My first comment was about some people saying it was all Jabo's fault. I stand by what I said Butch told the kid sorry, but we cant take you. Then did right by him by hooking him up with temple.
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It sounds like a lot of you guys looking at this with your orange tinted glasses. IMO Butch realized that he had already over recruited Lee. And I see two good signs from this.
1. Butch is not afraid to tell a kid sorry but its not going to workout.

2.Hes willing to do things(like this as an example) to win.

Got no problem with your 2 points, but I don't have my glasses on. Jabo's HS coach has no reason to be upset given the facts/circumstances/timing. Looks to me that our staff did more to help Jabo play college ball, albeit at Temple, than the HS coach.
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What the hell ever. It took Jabo forever and a day to qualify at the 11th hour. Our staff helps the kid get to play college at Temple and his HS coach is upset? Maybe he should've put more energy into helping Jabo to make sure he qualified in the first place.

Business of college football.
As you know, we are not in good standing with our academics lately. We can not afford to have another high risk athlete on the team. Remember, according to the various news agencies, we are in danger of not being eligible for a bowl game in 2015, if we don't get in better standing academically.

Also, Jabo had an ACL injury! Another factor that would make him a risk.

Also, Jay Graham was interested in him before Paulk became interested in U.T.

So, (1) He is an academic risk (2) He is coming off of an ACL injury (3) The current staff over recruited him by getting Paulk...

So, it is a no brainer that he not go to U.T....

Then why recuit him and waste his time? They knew all of this before they offered a scholly, also they told him all he had to do was make a test score and he did.

Looks like we dropped the ball on this. I would be highly offended too.
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This has been on twitter for a few day, and personally I think, it's just business. The kids grades aren't great, he's not gonna be useful til 2014 and maybe not ever depends on how his ACL turns out. We still hooked him up with temple. And he's shown nothing but respect for TN. This coach is a joke.
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UT can't go to class for Jabo. No need for high academic risk players. Good luck to Jabo trying to pass classes at Temple
Sounds more like a lane kiffin, actually.

But whoever, man up. It will be one of the classes the coaches will be insisting on when they get on campus. Be what you want these kids to be.

Butch Jones does look people in the eye. All you have to do is be around him 30 seconds and you know that. There are two sides to this story. Jabo Lee had nothing bad to say about UT and his recruitment. The coach has it wrong.

One more thing. Fans from rival teams are not allowed to go over to their sites and start stuff. If they do, their team and coaches have to be beyond reproach. So for a bama fan to criticize anyone for anything is laughable. BAMA CHEATS, ALWAYS HAS, ALWAYS WILL.
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As you know, we are not in good standing with our academics lately. We can not afford to have another high risk athlete on the team. Remember, according to the various news agencies, we are in danger of not being eligible for a bowl game in 2015, if we don't get in better standing academically.

Also, Jabo had an ACL injury! Another factor that would make him a risk.

Also, Jay Graham was interested in him before Paulk became interested in U.T.

So, (1) He is an academic risk (2) He is coming off of an ACL injury (3) The current staff over recruited him by getting Paulk...

So, it is a no brainer that he not go to U.T....

So we just throw him out like a sack of rancid meat?????
If you are right about the reason for this, Butch is no better than Kiffin. This is a college and these are supposed to be student athletes. If you are right (and I am not saying you are) I am ashamed of UT.
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