Butch can have all the fun that he wants, but I prefer a coach who wins, and couldn't care less if he attempts to dance.Boy, Showing a coach getting the team excited in any way but the way it was done "back in the day" sure brings out the cranky blue hairs. lololol
nim rodNimrod??? Why would you use a word if you don't know what it means, Schadenfreude?
When you said that you "didn't know what it means," I thought you were referring to Nimrod, not Junior, Junior.nim rod
The true definition of Nim Rod is "A great hunter", but after Bugs Bunny called Elmer Fudd this name for so long in Looney Tunes cartoons, it took on a new meaning....A moron or clutz.
Walla Walla Washington?
It's all in good natured fun. Hmanvolfan asked if my hair was blue, insinuating old age. I responded by calling him Junior. It's really not that hard to understand, if you read his post , and then mine.
Butch can have all the fun that he wants, but I prefer a coach who wins, and couldn't care less if he attempts to dance.
Maybe Butch will win big, and maybe he will dance. If he doesn't win, my guess is he dances elsewhere.
:blink:When you said that you "didn't know what it means," I thought you were referring to Nimrod, not Junior, Junior.
Junior is what you get for insinuating my hair is blue. It isn't, because I don't color it. I will admit to it not being as blond or light brown as it was several years ago, however. I am just having fun here. I hope nobody takes it too seriously.
Signed..... Nimrod.
You don't understand fans like me because you still don't understand my posts. Let's try again.Aw, see, there it is. Because he isn't acting ~ after practice is over, a practice that the students and faculty were a part of ~ like you want him to, you decide he isn't doing what you think he should do.
Yeah, I was right the first time. I don't understand fans like you. Have a nice day! :hi:
You don't understand fans like me because you still don't understand my posts. Let's try again.
1) I like our coach.
2) I want our coach to be successful.
3) I would rather see our coach be successful ( like the coaches that I mentioned) than to see him try to "be one of the boys."
4) Hopefully, he can be both successful, and have the players like him, if that is what he wants.
5) I would rather have the players respect his coaching abilities than his dancing.
Make any sense now? Do you disagree with any of the 5 points?
1. Agree
2. Agree (we all do, duh)
3. Having fun at an event with his players, and the faculty, and the students of the college he coaches for isn't trying to "be one of the boys". Quit being so closed minded.
4 and 5 are, well I'll be honest, I don't know what they are. Neither one make a bit of sense to me. But you apparently feel something about them, so yeah.
3) Looks like one of the boys to me.
4) I am equating success with winning in 4. Hopefully he can win. Hopefully he can be loved by his players if that is his desire. Not all winning coaches care one way or the other whether they are adored by their players. It isn't a prerequisite to being a winning coach.
5) I forget what 5 was. I'll be back.
Okay, 5) I would rather Tennessee's coach be remembered as a competent , winning coach than as a dancer.