"Butch gets it"



First of his name
Jan 26, 2010
It's not funny if you're the 1,000th+ person to say it.

There is not a single thread on this site where some witty poster doesn't try incorporate this phrase.

Can we stop now?

I rue the day this came into existence....

Now someone please be hilarious/witty/clever and respond by saying I "don't get it".

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buTch undersTands ThaT we are Tennessee and proud to don The Orange. buTch undersTands we are hungry for a winner. buTch undersTands how To coach, motivaTe, and recruiT college fooTball players. Therefore, if the caTch phrase geTs to you, just undersTand we geT iT.
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Wow. Wow. I can't believe how genius that just was. How do you just come up with things like this on the spot? I seriously think this may go down in history as your best post.

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So you think that you will somehow stop Butch from "getting it" by creating a thread about how much it gets on your nerves?

Just keep scrolling past the all the "Butch gets it" posts and get over it... Otherwise go talk to your therapist.

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It's not funny if you're the 1,000th+ person to say it.

There is not a single thread on this site where some witty poster doesn't try incorporate this phrase.

Can we stop now?

I rue the day this came into existence....

Now someone please be hilarious/witty/clever and respond by saying I "don't get it".


I agree with you. It got old around March.
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We've had such piss-poor coaching the last half decade that we're enamored with a coach simply doing what is expected of him.

As a fan base we've got to raise our standards back to where they should be.

I hope this dude coaches as well as he has recruited, if so UT will be good in a few years.
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Life is full of minor personal annoyances and making late night call out threads rarely has the desired intended effect.

But it's ok. Butch gets it and won't hold it against you.

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Okay OP, I'll make you a deal. I will promise to never post that phrase if you promise that when we knock off a top team this year that you will start a thread that's titled "I hate to say it...but bUTch gets it". Deal?
Really... Some people start threads like this because they need attention.

This....does anyone really NOT know what will happen when you start a thread like this? Seriously.......
I have to agree seeing it everyday 10x a day gets pretty old. I think we all agree that he gets it. We don't have to act like we all have serious memory loss problems haha
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