Butch is about to be on the podium

y'all piss and moan about johnny football all you want.

dude can ball and he'll do so again.

never heard of a star football player enjoying all the perks of being a star football player before.

not going to win a citizen of the year trophy, but that doesn't mean he isn't as good as he is.

I never said he couldn't play, never said he wasn't good, never indicated that I give a rip about how many perks or spoils he indulges in. I don't care where he plays golf, what NBA games he goes to, or what music video he is in. I don't blame him at all.

I actually enjoy watching him play. What I am sick of, is ESPN manufacturing hype, and trying to MAKE news instead of reporting it. Case in point: As much as I respect Tebow, ESPN created "TebowMania", then proceeded to make fun of all the attention Tebow was getting, all the while bringing Tebow's name into EVERY segment they aired. This should be familiar to a Gator fan.

Again, that was my comment...the ESPN announcers were laughing about all the hype, and media days being all about Manziel, and how they weren't going to talk about him...then seconds later start up with the same clips, etc, etc.

Maybe that makes comment a little clearer...
And Coach said we will be forced to play some true freshman this year. I'm thinking at wr for sure, at cb likely, and special teams, I guess.
The Butcher all over ESPNU now!

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Love this tweet from Bruce Feldman today

Bruce Feldman (@BFeldmanCBS)
7/17/13, 1:16 PM
Listening to ButchJones & thinking that occasionally a school ends up w it's 4th choice & gets very lucky. This'll be one of those times
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Love this tweet from Bruce Feldman today

Bruce Feldman (@BFeldmanCBS)
7/17/13, 1:16 PM
Listening to ButchJones & thinking that occasionally a school ends up w it's 4th choice & gets very lucky. This'll be one of those times

Wow. Backhanded compliment if I've ever seen one.

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