Uh...it the battle of God vs Satan...you DO remember who wins that right? Granted, we have been getting crucified for awhile now but its time for UT TO RISE AGAIN!!!!
True. Back to thread topic, cool verse selection Coach Jones. Actually has a purpose rather than just some random verse that has been used a million times over.
My goodness! This thread tends to daze, does it not?
For unto thee verily I reveal:
And the hordes of venom filled rattle snakes (serpents) shall burst forth and slither first through the "Giant T" followed closely by the orange clad who thereby soon shall commence to "handle" readily the unaware opponent in the very same fashion as were "handled" the serpents whilst pre-game rituals were performed. Following complete destruction and demise of the enemy, a horn shall pierce the night to signal a time in which the opponent and their minions shall endure the curse of lost wanderings in the wilderness while seeking to find federal or state routes capable of moving them far from the location of their verily unendurable shame and demise. For it is written. And the Orange shall glow brightly for all of eternity whilst those without orange shall be doomed to endless ages of bowl depravation. hmy:
My first wife was of but modest bosom, and after we divorced I prayed to God that if I ever remarried that he give me a wife with large breasts. And my prayer was answered and for that I praise my Lord.